Submitted By: Eddy
Bune Delivered within: 2 Months
Bune saved me even though it’s just 2 months she can really do miracles. It is true!, she makes you wise and smart. I left the company I worked for, that I worked with my step dad with. I left home because my family didn’t believe my dreams of being rich. I left but as soon as I left I took a bus and went to my friends house. I didn’t even think that he would let me stay there. But Ms Bune gave me some where to stay. She gives you everything you need. With faith and hope she delivered. I’ve never done rituals or nothing like that. But I want to though! All I did was pray to her image. I didn’t ask her for money or riches but wisdom. I started taliking to a girl on snap chat and she was opening a business for sheet rocking. Funny how the friend that let me live with him would always tell me hey I want to open a business one day for Sheetrock. I told her about it and I connected both of them because she is illegal and needed someone who she can put the name on the business. Now my friend me and her finally opens it and it’s called Aztec dry wall. Bune saved my life but because she showed me that she delivers. I love her and just have faith and she will get you where you want to be ❤️