Seeing signs of Bune

Submitted By: ReginaW
Bune Delivered within: 2 Days

Hail Bune!

I’ve started working with Bune within the past week. Prior to that, I wanted to learn what he/she likes, their demeanor and to just communicate.

Every time I have talked with Bune, recited the Enn or stared at the sigil, I have such calm.
My business has picked up, I’m keeping my head above water in terms of finances and I’m watching more money coming in. I was concerned because I spent a bit more than I should have for Christmas but I’m able to pay my bills and am receiving more.

I’ve also been doing affirmations around abundance and have called upon Bune to receive his/her energy while listening to the affirmations video. I’ve been doing this twice a day. I light a candle for Bune at work and I light candles everyday at home while also laying rose petals out for him/her as well as honey.

This morning at sunrise I recited the Enn to bring forth Bune to make my requests.
I know I felt a presence and was not at all afraid.

My personality has also changed- I’m more outgoing and bold and I’m SO happy that I’m seeing changes!

I’m looking forward to seeing what Bune will do with my requests and I’ll happily keep you updated.
Hail Bune!