Submitted By: Warlock
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less
Having read widely about Duke Bune and his tendency to work with those who approach him respectfully, and having read about others’ experiences here, I began a while back by making periodic offerings to him without asking for anything in return. My goal in so doing was to establish a relationship with Duke Bune before inquiring about his interest, if any, in working together. After doing this for a time, I conducted a ritual in which I made offerings and put forth a petition to Duke Bune requesting to form a working relationship.
My initial request to clarify that he had accepted the proposed agreement was a modest infusion of funds in a certain amount, deliverable within seven days. If I received this sign, I would consider the agreement accepted, and I would proceed with my responsibilities as such. Within the week, I received a cash gift in the exact amount specified.
Thereafter, I set about fulfilling my part of the bargain, which includes regular offerings and praise. Even if I do not receive anything in particular from Duke Bune during a given period, I always thank him for his willingness to help, and I ask him to stand ready to assist, should his help be needed.
This became important recently, when a particularly dire emergency struck the household. Knowing that I would need powerful aid to mitigate the looming disaster, I made offerings to Duke Bune and asked him to help us weather this particular storm and to avert any financial disasters that might result from it. I promised that, in return, I would submit a testimonial to this site so that others might know his power and generosity.
The aid began to arrive in within 12 hours of the request in the form of an unrequested cash gift, and it continues. So far, we have received enough to completely absorb the up-front costs of the emergency and to make up for lost income during the period.
I offer my thanks to Duke Bune for his aid, and, as I promised to do, I report what he has done here.