Submitted By: Silvergrey
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day
So, 3 weeks ago I attempted to contact Bune.
I set up candles and meditated on his sigil, didn’t get any flashy 3D-effects, just got the sigil to fade in and out of focus, disappearing for a few seconds and then coming back. I could feel a vague presence but nothing specific. I didn’t know for certain if it was Bune or some other entity or just my imagination, but decided to go through with my request anyways.
I explained that I’d been a little short on money because my hours at work had been cut, and I needed a little extra to set aside in case I hit rough times. I asked for help within a month and made an offering in return and promised to spread the word if he was successful.
Afterwards, I wasn’t sure if the ritual had worked because the presence I felt was so vague and overall I’d say my success rate with demons so far has pretty much been about 50/50, plus it was my first time attempting to work with Bune. I didn’t really know what to think, got some scratch tickets just to be sure and got nothing. Then just yesterday I heard that my rent is to be lowered as per this month… with exactly the same amount as I’m now missing due to my cut hours. Seems the ritual was a success after all!
Hail Bune, he really lives up to his reputation!