Duke Bune Delivered

Submitted By: Newmee
Bune Delivered within: 2 Days

This is my own part of the bargain for the requests i made and the favors The Great Duke Bune rendered to me so far.. Its long but please spare some time..

October and November were tough on me, i had financial issues, unsettled bills and my girlfriend was 7 months pregnant, times were hard, i mean really hard. Come November i didn’t have a penny on my name, i had to sell my phone on a cheap cos i needed money to pay my monthly rent and bills, i cleared my bills and was left with almost nothing and my girlfriend not working as she was 7 months and some weeks gone, i needed money for her antenatal care..

I became frustrated and desperate, i prayed and called on God for help to no avail and the thought of my girlfriend and us expecting a baby at this tough period of my life gave me sleepless nights, i prayed and prayed but no changes, i became so restless and stressed so i decided to turn to the internet for ideas on how to get some fast cash to change my situation so i started searching and while watching videos on YouTube, some recommendations videos on how to do money spells.

I watched a lot of videos on money spell and this video on deals with demons for wealth and success came up, i could not perform the spells or rituals because i had no money to buy the materials, so i had to read the comments below the video and that was how i got information on pacts with demons, the very first time i heard of the The Demons of the Goetia and how magicians and occult practitioners have been dealing with them for personal success, while watching another video i heard of The Great Duke Astaroth, i started searching on pacts and deals with the devil, i read stuffs and stories of Father Urbain Grandier , Robert Johnson, Johann Georg Faust and their pacts on wealth, success and power in exchange of their eternal souls.

As desperate as i was, without hesitation, i decided to do one, as instructed on a website i saw online, i required for results before the end of the month. With no experience on how these Great Daemons of the Goetia work and me being desperate Asaroth did not want to work with me so i was rejected, i didn’t give up though, i kept searching, reading comments so i came across the name of a lot of these Daemons of the Goetia and what they offer to those who call on them for assistance, i decided to try The Great Duke Bune.

The Great Duke Bune, who is also known as Bime or Biméis who is the 26th Spirit Of The Goetia he appears as a dragon with three heads. One head of a dog, second of a Griffon and the third of a man, he can rise dead and gathers demons around tombs, gives wealth, makes people wiser and eloquent, answers to all questions.

Still so desperate, my girlfriend’s expected delivery date was fast approaching, still no money, i decided to make a pact with The Great Duke Bune and still i got rejected as the date i asked for result came to pass but no changes, i felt useless and dejected, but still something inside me told me to read more on The Great Duke Bune which i did and i was directed to websites and pages were i read a lot of wonderful things The Great Duke Bune had done to these people, i came across pages and comments dedicated to The Great Duke Bune, so i decided to create a relationship with Duke Bune, I’ll talk to him before i go to sleep, I’ll always have him on my mind and as everyday passes by, i will open pages on internet and read about Duke Bune and somehow i became less desperate and less worried as well because something in me told me to keep reading the testimonies.

Some people recommended the book The Sorcerer’s Secret by Jason Miller and Dictionnaire Infernal by Jacques Collin de Plancy and said one can gain more knowledge on how to work with the Daemon of The Goetia but again i didn’t have the funds to buy these books online since there were no free PDF copies on the internet, so i had to search for alternatives when i read a comment on a simple way one can ask for favors from the Great Duke Bune.

They talked about the simple method of reaching out to Great Duke Bune as writing by EA Koetting that requires the Seal of Duke Bune and a quite place to gaze at the sigil with focus and make a demand which and did and few days later , Duke Bune with his powers and love for those who come to him for assistance, gave me 800$, i am grateful and always will, i plan on buying one of the books and get to know more about Duke Bune and how to evoke or invoke him to start a working relation with him..

Guys with no doubts The Great Duke Bune will always provide to those who come before him with pureness and respect..

Success With Bune

Submitted By: R0cstar
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks

I’d had a really hard time with money at the beginning of the year as I had moved to a remote town to finish my studies. I’m a minority and my experience in small towns hasn’t been very good as far as finding jobs. For the first 5 or 6 months I had a really hard time making ends meet and was only able to get some temporary work here and there.

After getting Frank White’s Money Magick course I basically did my first bit of sigil magick ever and within the next two weeks I got a position with a marketing company. Within a few more weeks I got another job as well. I had asked to make $15,000 before the end of the year and I thought that this would be a realistic amount given the location I am in and the opportunities available here.

I also got some money from various other sources like family members, friends and clients from a side business. All in all, I can say I’m very happy with the results and I would definitely recommend Bune.

I will soon try and get some help for my side business and try to make that into my full time income soon.

Employment success working with Bune

Submitted By: Burzum
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks

Hi everyone!

(my main language is not English, so excuse me if there are mistakes)

(also sorry for the long post!)

In my first post I want to tell you tell you about my success working with Bune to get a job. So, if you want a similar success, you can try it, too. Because I just got hired today! And I still can not believe it.

Also, I want to tell you that until now I have always been very skeptical about existence of superior beings and was atheist for a long time and before that I was pagan.

I was desperately in need of a job for a while because I’ve never been so broke in my life!

I applied to many positions and they never got back to me. I was spending my each day on job search sites looking for a job or editing or updating my resume trying to understand what is wrong.

I was just surfing the internet as usual and I have no idea how I get to the point that I see Bune’s sigil in Google Images tab. There were other sigils in the thumbnails but hers appealed me in some way. (I remember reading something like that “Even if you coming across this text means that this is a calling from that demon) and I started to do a research about her, reading whatever I can find about Bune until the pages starts to repeat itself.

More I read, more my old pagan memories started rushing back, because the calling felt so real, I decided to make a contract with Bune to get hired.

I set up a little altar for her.

I bought orange scented candles and inscribed my name on it and holding it and pleading her to hear my call. I drew her sigil, wrote my intention on a paper, pierced my finger and smeared it on her sigil. I lighted the candle and incense and simply started calling her name and trying to feel something. (And I can’t say that I felt anything but I carried on) And I said “please hear my call, come and look inside me you will see that I am a good person and I need your help Bune.” I cannot remember what I exactly said but it was something like “I am not needing a lot of money or anything, just please help me find a job so I can earn a living.” “I was not believing anything for a long time now but I’m in need of believing, please show me if this is real.” I cried and I was completely honest and open. When I started to repeat myself, I folded the intention paper and sigil together and I tied them together with a green string and poured some wax from the orange candle and put it away in a drawer so it can stay untouched. I thanked her and left the incense and candle burning. I also promised her that I will always honor her name and spread the word about what can be achieved with Bune’s help.

A few hours later I received and email saying that “I came across to your resume in and want to set an interview” So, didn’t I apply to that position?? I checked my job application history and it was not there. Wow they found me, that is new!

I was crying and saying “Thank you” “Thank you” “Thank you”. For weeks there was not a single thing and in a few hours after begging for Bune’s help, a job interview from a company that I did not even applied. “Ok, that’s nice and all but it can be a coincidence, they probably interview lots of people and you are just one of them” was what my sceptical side was saying to me.

Before the phone interview I lighted another orange candle and sandalwood incense and thanked her that she started the process and that I am believing in her.

Phone interview took 42 minutes! Before ending the conversation, he said that they will get to me because they are interviewing lots of people and they received a huge amount of applications.

Hearing that, my skeptical side exploded with joy “Ha! Told ya, loooots of people, see?”. And I was so sorry to hear that my chances are actually not that high as I thought it was for a while.

And they called again for in-person interview. And they called again to tell me that they want to hire me. I will not bore you to death with details, but there is more. After they decided to hire me there happened some issued about my work permit and weird things and all but they all solved so easily and the employer did not change his mind about hiring me (like going to the next best candidate) but he waited a little bit to get issues sorted out.

Anyways, it happened. Some part of me was still in denial until I sign the contract. And today was my first day at job. I can’t deny it, I could not make it without Bune’s help, her involvement was so real and present.

If you need her just reach out and call her, I know she is willing to help. Now I believe in Bune and Lucifer and all demons. Hail Bune! I will always be grateful and I will always honor your name.

Great success with Duke Bune

Submitted By: Anima
Bune Delivered within: Not specified

Hello everyone, I’d like to share a success story that will tell you a little more about me and hopefully help some of you. I was never a big fan of evocations and had tried to work with goetic daemons just once about eight years ago with no success. Making a long story short, I’d been only meditating and reciting mantras for the last 18 months, leaving any other spiritual practice aside. About 4 months ago some drastic changes happened in my life and I consider it a learning process, but I got into some critical financial problems that proved harder to overcome than I thought. I had heard good things about Bune a lot of times before and I had just read Jason Miller’s The Sorcerer’s Secrets, so I decided to try something my own way. Jason presents a very simple and effective Petition Rite on his book, that’s not an Evocation where you’ll see the spirit or have a conversation with him, but you’ll certainly feel his presence. I adapted his rite to what I already knew about evocations and to my working style.

My first attempt was successful to some degree, but I probably wasn’t specific about what I wanted, resulting in an unsatisfactory end(It was my mistake and I believe it would be totally successful if I did it right). I drew Bune’s seal in a piece of paper and wrote my wish after it. I asked him to find buyers for two audio equipments I had been trying to sell for months and to help me with a new business endeavor I’d started. The next day there was a guy who wanted to buy one of them, but we just couldn’t find a schedule in which both of us could meet to finish the deal. Some little improvements on my sales were also seen and I gained some money in an unexpected way.

My second attempt was really better. I drew the seal on paper again, listened to some binaural beats, meditated a little on it and performed Jason’s ritual on my mental plane, where I feel more comfortable. I specified that I needed to sell the items and receive the money; I also specified the exact sum of money that I needed to receive with these sales, my business’ improvement and in any alternative ways. I also specified a deadline. The next day I could finally meet the buyer and finish that deal and my sales improved in the following days. I had some great ideas that will cost me nothing and are already working for the success of my new business out of nothing. Two friends of mine asked me if I wanted them to indicate me to work where they work and I’ll be taking one of these offers, as it will not take much of my time. I also found some great books and online resources as well as information on books I already had that are helping me to develop as a magician and entrepreneur. I still don’t have the money I need and didn’t sell one of the audio equips because I denied an offer that I’m now rethinking, but I have a gut feeling that I’ll have the money before the end of the deadline.

Some side notes:

1 – Speaking out loud when I’m on a meditative state usually takes away my focus of the actual meaning of the words, that’s why I prefer to write or perform the whole thing on a mental sphere. Almost everyone I know would prefer to perform the rite in its standard form. Anyway, I believe that any rite requires something physical so I kept a drawing of the seal with me.

2 – On both the practices, there were physical sensations that confirmed the rite was working.

3 – I’m not describing the rite itself because it’s in Jason Miller’s book and I believe he created it. The rite itself includes any protection you’ll need in a very simplified and effective way, but it certainly requires a strong will. If you’re really interested you can PM me and I’ll talk more about the method, or you can buy his book.

4 – I believe that doing things comfortably works wonders. People would always tell me I was doing everything wrong but stuff almost always ends up working when I follow my intuition. Just know yourself and what you’re doing. Take the necessary steps to feel safe and comfortable and you’ll be successful in your deeds.

Thank you Bune!

Quick Bune Meditation Success

Submitted By: Lilithflower
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

I was doing a meditation on Bune’s animated sigil this evening & no sooner had I finished, I received a text, saying that my $2000 advance would be deposited tomorrow. This may not seem like a huge amount, but it will enable me to move into my own place, after months of drifting about the North His of NZ. All hail the grand duke! He drives a hard bargain, that’s for sure, but when I think that less than a week ago, I was worried about ending up on the street …

Bune is so awesome! We had a discussion about how I don’t always take advantage of the opportunities s/he sends me, because I find my job so soul-destroying, in spite of needing the money. I have wanted for so long to do something with my singing. Bune prompted me to put an ad on the internet for band members, which I did 4 days ago. So far, I have heard from a bass player and a drummer, normally the hardest musicians to find. I know it’s early days, but I need a catchy name for a band, who exclusively cover songs by Australia and New Zealand artists, focusing on the classics. So far I have thought of Tranztasman or Both Sides Of The Ditch, but hope for something better. This will be my 1st step towards releasing my own songs.

I will have to keep the other job for now, but with Bune onside, things are turning around.

Selling my house with help from Bune

Submitted By: Robert
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

I am in the process of selling my house. I spent a great deal of money on upgrades to get the best price and was assured that I would get more than my money back, if I did certain things. I did those things. The weekend before last, I signed the papers to sell. This Friday, the house was officially listed.

I had two major concerns that I would get my price. The first was that the next door neighbor is a ‘cat lady’. She has seven cats that all use my front porch and planter under the front window as a litter box. I am always amazed that outdoor cat owners are stunned when they realize their cats poop and spray other people’s houses and those owners are burdened with the clean up. This problem is so bad that after two days away, I came home to 10 to 15 piles of poop in my planters. I cleaned it up as best I could at 5 PM on a Saturday and by 9 AM Sunday there were four more piles. The front of the house reeked! All that poop attracted a battalion of flies.

Please do not comment with suggestions for how to handle this in the future. I have spent thousands of dollars over the years on every conceivable product and home remedy. They may work on one cat. They are not effective against seven.

My second concern came out of left field. When I arrived Sunday morning, a homeless man moved in across the street. He lived in a beat-up old Mitsubishi pick-up. I think he had friends in the mental health group home a few doors down. I am not sure. At any rate, an obviously homeless man living across the street in his broken down truck with the flat tire seemed like a buyer’s negative to me.

Thirdly, the inside of the house felt creepy. My house never feels like that. I had taken down my wards. So maybe something attracted to the residuals of my magick moved in. I do not know.

At my wits end after dealing with the rude cat people for fifteen years, I was not going to let them cost me thousands as my house undersold.

Without tools, I went into my back yard and pulled up Bune’s seal on my i-phone. I stared at it and called him forth. He didn’t seem to want to appear but after a few minutes he appeared before my mind’s eye. I told him that if he sold the house with an offer at or above the asking price from someone, “with the capacity to pay”, within 72 hours, I would thank him here and on Facebook.

**Normally I do not make deals like that.**

He was less than enthusiastic. I then mentioned the King Beleth. Suddenly, he was ready to cooperate. I gave him the standard line about harming no one and left. When I went back inside, the creepy feeling was gone. When I went to the garage less than 10 minutes after dismissing Bune, I heard the homeless man drive away. When I left, I found that he had simply drove around the corner.

That same Sunday afternoon. My agent received a bid on the house. I was unaware of that. Monday morning, I felt a hit from Bune. He said I would have made more by renting it (true) but that it was sold. A half our later my realtor called and said that I had a very solid bid from someone. He had spent the morning making sure it was solid before calling me. The papers were signed Monday afternoon. The offered price was very slightly over what we asked.

So here I am keeping my word and publicly thanking Bune for his good work. He came through in less than 24 hours. Though, for some reason, on Facebook I calculated as less than 48. On of those figures is correct.

Warning: I do not endorse people calling upon the Lesser Key spirits without a net like I do, unless they have a very profound understanding of their circle.

My Working With Bune

Submitted By: Papa Hood
Bune Delivered within: 3 Weeks

Hello all!

As many of you know, I am currently focusing a lot of my time on evocation and spirit work. And to that end, I thought I would do my first blog post here on this a little, as well as fulfilling my end of a bargain. I work with quite a few methods of evocation, ranging from highly ritualistic to deceptively simple, and I have had great success with all of them. There have been others I have tried, that didn’t work out so well, and subsequently, are not a part of my repertoire.

Recently, I set out on a remarkably simple form of evocation, in order to create a contract with a spirit. Namely, the demon of the Goetia, Bune. Bune rules over a few things, namely promoting the Dead to demons under his command, granting wisdom, gives correct answers, and the primary purpose for my calling, granting wealth. He primarily comes as a three headed dragon, with the head of a dog, a man, and a dragon. But I digress…. About a week ago, I was getting desperate. Someone near and dear to my heart desperately needed a job, so I, being the Sorcerer that I am, offered my assistance. So I did my research, and determined that a Spirit Contract would be the best option. But because this working was of such gravity, I did not want to do this as I would do a regular contract, I wanted it to have some kick. I originally intended to cut his seal into my chest, and then press parchment against the carving to mirror the seal in blood. However, this proved… well, difficult. Instead, I drew the seal first in permanent marker. Then, as is my usual method, I drew blood, and mixed it with a base of dragons blood ink. I then used this with a raven’s quill to trace over the seal on my chest.

Taking up my razor again, I made several small cuts along the seal to mix the blood/ink mixture with fresh blood, and pressed the parchment against the seal. Once it was mirrored, I wrote out Bune’s name, and my demands. Taking this parchment into my Temple, I performed an evocation of Bune. In the course of the ritual, we laid out our terms. Bune agreed to all my demands, with the request that once the work is done, his name is to be glorified for thirty days (….hence this very direct post….). When the deal was struck, and we had agreed to each other’s terms, I took the parchment contract, placed it against my friend’s resume, folded it all down, and used my seal and the wax from the ritual candles and sealed it shut. So I went back about my life and waited to receive word. Today, I was getting frustrated on having no results from this pact, and decided I was going to end it. I took the pact out to my Fire Cauldron, lit it aflame, and dropped it in. I was preparing a whole script of eloquent words for Bune for his failure, when my phone rang… they got a job. Literally as I was igniting the pact, they were hired. So I burnt my speech to Bune, and instead thanked him profusely. And now for my end! Bune works swiftly, skillfully, and is very forgiving. I recommend working with him (carefully, of course) towards goals similar to this. His seal is below:

Bune Success By SinisterShadow

Submitted By: SinisterShadow
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

Yet again another success story. I had made a evocation with Bune and she/it came through.

My brother is a landscaping painter, he has sold paintings for over a thousand $$ at his art gallery. However, with the economy and the tough times we live in art is not really selling anymore. He was really depressed with his dream being crushed.

So I made a ritual with Bune I evoked her using a improvised ritual. I used my intuition and made a pentagram constructed of incense and tea light candles. I put Bunes sigil in the center of the pentagram just like the Triangle of Manifestation. I felt that this “Mirror or Wall” of incense smoke would make an easier manifestation base. It did.

During the ritual a column of smoke lingered hovering above Bunes sigil. It was not natural, it looked liked a Hurricane of Spiderwebs. I saw a translucent figure in the column, it was cloaked like the Alien from the Predator movies. I felt some thing reach out and touch my hand and it was a warm feeling. (I know it sounds like I am explaining this to a child, but alot of people have been asking for help with evocation, etc so I thought I would provide a more detail retailing).

Feeling that Bune had heard my desires I thanked her for coming and then went to sleep. In less than 24 hours, my brother calls me and tells me that he sold one of his paintings, which has not happened for almost a year.

Thank you Bune!