Bune answered

Submitted By: Matthew M.
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

I’m pretty much living in a motel with some friends with no job. I simply drew out Bunes sigil on a scrap piece of paper and held it in my hand. Said Bune Bune Bune, was polite and explained my situation that I really need money. In return I would honor you Bune. I have no money and not even a piece of fruit to offer.

So I put Bunes sigil with an orange background on my phone and held it in the other hand as I asked Bune to help me. I said this is all I have to offer right now but when I have money I can honor you more.

About an hour later the maintenence man knocked on the door and asked if we could move a freezer upstairs. We did and the owner gave us $5 each.

Not much an I gave my $5 to my room mate because I’m staying here without a job.

I guess my point is, Bune did answer and I’m posting to honor Bune and say thank you Bune. I really hope more money will come my way.


The Prayer

Submitted By: Jasmin
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

So since couple of years, my life was going quite rough in all aspects of my life. So, when u are in desperate times, you would do anything to get out of it. I was just going browsing on the internet and found lots of things about Bune. At first I was scared, but I just gave it a shot. So last year, just to try if bune actually works I just recited his name for couple of times in front of his sigil and I asked him to help me find a job. I got calls from 3 different places in just 2 days. (However, I didn’t accepted the offer, thats was my choice though. But I was happy that Bune heard my prayer). Fast forward, to this year, this month, earlier this week, before I started my day, I asked bune again to help me get some sales. I was barely making any good sales. GUESS WHAT we got so busy that my average sales went from bottom to top in just 1 day………..I am now the highest commission earner at my store and everyone is surprised as to how I did that……

I just want to thank Bune for all of his help and I am pretty sure that whoever is in need of bune’s help, Bune will deliver. All you have to do is to be honest with yourself and to bune amd trust him.


Did not feel a presence but still worked

Submitted By: Banibana
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks

I tried to summon two different goetic entities with what seemed like no success at all (at first). I said the following words: “(Name), I call you forth into this triangle to take form before me and to speak in a voice which I understand. (Name), by the powers of darkness I call you here! (Name), come!”

I then thanked him for coming and introduced myself. I had a clear deal and desire that I told him (had it written on paper) and also offered something in return to him. I was respectful and polite at all times. But literally nothing happened. I didn’t feel a presence, I didn’t hear or see anything. There was just black void in my mind and silence. I just proceeded with the ritual and behaved like he accepted the deal, so I fulfilled my part of the offering… even though I have no clue if he even heard me at all. šŸ™

Because of this experience I thought, well maybe Bune doesn’t like me or is too busy. I remembered that I picked Agares when I rolled a random Internetdice with 72 numbers and that Agares really spoke to me. Not only because of the way he was described, but also the fact that he’s associated with the Aries zodiac sign (as I am) and that the look of his Sigil really sparked inside of me. I definitely thought that Agares would listen to me.

So I did the same ritual with Agares and asked him to contact Bune and confirm the deal I made was accepted and also to let someone who wronged me run away and cast her out of my sight. I offered him something as well, and as with Bune I was very respectful. Again, I had no real… reaction or anything happening. I just started an inner “dialogue” pretending I was talking to him and that he accepted. As stupid as it sounds, I almost started to cry because I was frustrated and felt too stupid or unworthy to get an experience, while people on the Internet seem to have almost no problem to get some.

Anyways… even though nothing happened and I felt like I failed really hard, I just pretended like they accepted and sticked to the end of my deal and offerings. And I got some really creepy and freaky results. Like, almost impossible to be coincidences. A lot of shit happened, I got A LOT of money (relatively speaking to what I got before, so before it was between 50-150ā‚¬, suddenly I had 1000ā‚¬ spikes) and several rivals got kicked out or start to become serious problems.

So it looks like it worked after all even though I did not feel a presence.

How to change your bosses mind with help from Bune

Submitted By: himanshuchauhan
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks

I was on a job hunt since last 7 months. I was terminated from my previous job and it was an ordeal to find a new one as no one wanted to hire a terminated employee.

For few weeks Iā€™d been doing an evocation for Bune and Paimon to ask help for a job. Today I got a call from an employer who a month ago had rejected me. They offered a second shot for the interview. Upon reaching there, their HR head was super excited to see me. He asked me not to show the termination and more so he dusted that topic completely. This is where it got interesting; Chris the guy who rejected me last time was super friendly with me today and after a casual off the topic 5 minutes conversation said ā€œHe really wants me on board ASAPā€. This company has offered me double the salary I had from my previous employer (which is in line with my money rituals I did evoking Bune).

Even though Iā€™m a novice and canā€™t hear or see the spirits evoked; Magic is all around me. This small event makes me a stubborn believer that this stuff DOES WORK.

Success with Bune & Abremelin Square

Submitted By: Verdo
Bune Delivered within: 3 Weeks

Hey so this is an old success story, but i dont think i ever made a post about it giving these entities their due. So last december, i did some desperate rituals to bune for quick cash. I remember when i did one of the evocations, i felt a sudden cold breeze past by my hand, and in my mindā€¦ i came up with the number $4000 as a good amount to get from the working. I also used the Abremelin square for money for an extra kick. Mind you, i had no known means for the money to come, as i didnt have a job at the time.

So 3 weeks passed and i had more or less forgotten about the ritual. I ended up getting into a conversation with a friend who i told about my situation. She decided to go out of her way and just hand me $4000. Whats kinda crazy is that this is a person who i met online and never met in person, even though weā€™ve been talking for a while. She is also a single mom, so its not like she didnt have a better place to put that cash. She wired it to me via paypal, and that was that :slight_smile:

So big thanks there to Bune and the entities within the abremelin square for helping me out.

Instant Bune success

Submitted By: Jaydos447
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

Decided to do a small Evocation of Bune today and was originally disappointed with the results, as I didnā€™t feel as though I felt Bune come. (Which compared to my Paimon Evocation was the total opposite).

I lit a candle, lit some incense and chanted his Enn.

I couldnā€™t feel a presence straight away, so I simply stated what I wanted and what Iā€™d do in return and gave him the right to leave.

So the backstory:
Been trying to sell my old phone as I recently brought a new one and Iā€™ve had no luck (getting offers of 200 dollars on an item I had listed for 400) I wanted 350 for it.

I asked Bune to help sell it, closed the Evocation – sat on the lounge and within 15 minutes I had an offer of 350 dollars and a 15 Minute pick up time.

I am ridiculously happy with how fast the results were – I mean it was insanely faster than any other Evocation or spell Iā€™ve performed.

So here is my side of the bargain.

Use Bune. He works, and he works quickly.

Hail Bune.

Praise to Bune – Thank you!

Submitted By: Silvergrey
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

So, 3 weeks ago I attempted to contact Bune.

I set up candles and meditated on his sigil, didn’t get any flashy 3D-effects, just got the sigil to fade in and out of focus, disappearing for a few seconds and then coming back. I could feel a vague presence but nothing specific. I didn’t know for certain if it was Bune or some other entity or just my imagination, but decided to go through with my request anyways.

I explained that I’d been a little short on money because my hours at work had been cut, and I needed a little extra to set aside in case I hit rough times. I asked for help within a month and made an offering in return and promised to spread the word if he was successful.

Afterwards, I wasn’t sure if the ritual had worked because the presence I felt was so vague and overall I’d say my success rate with demons so far has pretty much been about 50/50, plus it was my first time attempting to work with Bune. I didn’t really know what to think, got some scratch tickets just to be sure and got nothing. Then just yesterday I heard that my rent is to be lowered as per this month… with exactly the same amount as I’m now missing due to my cut hours. Seems the ritual was a success after all!

Hail Bune, he really lives up to his reputation!

The evocation of Bune

Submitted By: bloodroot
Bune Delivered within: 1 Month

I decided to share a few revelations with the BALG forum concerning spirits and money. In all sincerity, one of my own primary reasons for evocation was wealth,and lots of it. The reason being, if we are to live out this mortal coil with coffin nails lightly stamped each day closer and closer to our final destination then surely at the very least I should be riding a red steaming De Lorean and not the proverbial black dull hearse arriving at the six-foot deep resort. Thus, I will share my experience and how to work this type of magick in a relatively easy format so that you may achieve the same results.

After joining the Golden Dawn in England circa 1989, I returned back home and continued my magickal work each day. I read all books available at the time,but the one that seriously gave me a real hard on was the Goetia. I use the Falcon Press version in paperback from Lon Milo Duquette. It is my go-to book. But that was all it was, just a book with illustrations which, if you dared, would summon the most pissed-off entities you could imagine. And so, it remained dormant until now. the summer of 2014 will be remembered not as a lemonade-barbecued air of hot moisture but the days and nights of the Goetics.

The Infernal Money Pit

In June of this year I fell into an immediate financial stump concerning one of my pets. The vet bill, as you can imagine, was quite high. I was able to pay for it but unfortunately this also hampered my other obligations concerning rent,electricity,water,and of all things food. I am one of those who believes(or believed) that any spiritual entity should only be evoked at the most crucial moment in ones life. I truly felt this was it. I immediately set out to do my research online and see the results others have obtained,if any. I had no other options but success(keep this in mind)

Unfortunately for us, the Net is filled with so much garbage, so many pseudo-magicians claiming false advertisement that I became over-whelmed. However, a few did seem to work the Bune magick,or so it seemed.

It became evident to me that Bune was indeed the ā€œATMā€ of the spirit world. simply load your passkey and press playā€¦instant karma. A few working mages revealed their apparent success with Bune online through their blogs and websites. Various discussions are still hot threads at this very moment in time and I encourage you to do your research on Bune. I could give all the links I found on my own, but it is wiser and more profitable to pursue your own work on your own. Half the fun of these magickal dealings is dropping down the rabbit hole and finding gems that will enlighten youā€¦do your own work

Below are outlined all the necessities needed to perform this rite. Some if not all of the material here presented to you is making its debut on this post as it was received from either Bune himself or other spirits of a ā€œlike-mindā€, the rest is simple and (hopefully) known material that you should be acquainted with at this time in your life.


DAY: On the eve of any Friday on sunrise
OFFERINGS: Oranges,Apples,Lemons,Cakes
COLORS: Orange,Green
TAROT CARD: Nine of wands
AMOUNT OF MONEY NEEDED: notice I say needed nor wanting. I would recommend between 200 to 500 dollars. Asking an entity for 20,000 is absurd(yesā€¦someone once asked me for help in acquiring this amount and the results turned and reared its ugly head at me causing the death of a loved oneā€¦I will save that for another post).

* Triangle of Art(See Picture below)
* Universal Circle or your own design(see pic)
* Wand and Sword: Not really necessary but it still adds a sense of control and authority. Play with your imagination.
* Tarot Deck: very good for doing readings right after the evocation. Using the magickal vortex created during the rites is conducive to excellent divination prior to releasing the energy build up and immersion/theta-gamma state.

The Triangle I use from Kingdom of Flames
CONJURATION: Written by yourself three days prior. Four sentences and no more. They should include the four god names found in the LBRP and thatā€™s it. Memorize it!

RITES: LBRP and the BRH (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram respectively) If these rites offend your black magick sensibility then I apologize in advance however following these instructions should produce the correct results as they did for me. I practice everything, black white Greek oriental whatever gets me what I need.

MAGICKAL MANTRAS OF BUNE: Ca-te-ha miniostare(should be sung while chanting) and his Enn: Wehl melan avage bune tasa

And that is all you really require. Some incense is nice and a simple stick of myrrh will do wonders(if working an Astral/Skrying method) or Copal Oro for a physical manifestation. However I will add a small caution, although for me I love and seem to ā€œidentifyā€ with any spirit or demons countenances, others may not(or think they can). Bune is one of those Goetic spirits that will appear as the grimoires depict, a hybrid dragon,dog,man creature and despite the usual adherenceā€™s murmured by many mages that ā€œ oh pleaseā€¦I can handle thatā€ā€¦think carefully about how your mind will react to a full blown manifestation that will scatter your sensibilities unto the far reaches of complete chaos. I am not kidding as I have seen some quite scary and frightening things in my life(not withstanding my ex-wife) but stillā€¦ caveat emptorā€¦

In any case, a simple astral evocation(despite what others may say about this method) actually works. We as magicians,black or white, are not in this business to observe a physical magickal phenomenon but to get resultsā€¦period. Why evoke a spirit or demon?,to make them move a chair across the room?..my pet cat can do a better trick. I am not in the habit of observing the beauty or hell of any spirit but solely goal oriented.


I would recommend to perform a simple three card tarot spread to determine the outcome of the operation. Just another way to integrate divination with other operations. Personally I love using the I-Ching but simply using three cards is way more than enough to ā€œseeā€ your possible outcome.

I recommend to do an offering to him three days prior to the rite if possible. He is especially fond of cakes.

After my evocation of Bune, I anticipated the moment when the realization of my much needed money would come. I actually only needed 500.00 to cover most of my expenses for the reminder of June. As the week rolled on by nothing happened. The only strange occurrence was my insistent thought of the number ā€œ736ā€. It kept banging inside my head until I thoughtā€¦waitā€¦those may be lottery numbers. I went and played the remaining three dollars I had towards the weekly cash three lottery to see if that was the answer.

I lost three dollarsā€¦now what?. The numbers continued to invade my senses day in and out non-stop. Doubt began to set in as it would. After one week with no results I went back and evoked Bune physically this time to see what was holding back my request. With no uncertain tone he explained that ‘you asked for assistance and that is what I gaveā€. I inquired about the number 736 and he stated that he had nothing to do with that.

Confounded I continued to wait another two days. Nothing happened. I decided at that point that I should climb the higher moral ground and, despite this spirits reluctance to assist me, I would still make his name and deeds known to the world. I will act as if he did his job and praise him for all the miracles he created for me. My logic being that, by displaying a better sense of ā€œdignityā€ and ā€œmoralsā€™ at the very least I would be seen as completing my half of the bargain promised to him at time of services rendered.

Within twenty-four hours a revelation broke through. I was cleaning out my walk-in closet and found my fathers old stash of gold jewelry. I figured this must be it. They were stored away for over fifteen years after his passing and completely forgot about them. I thought these should at least get me around 300. I had no knowledge of the gold prices this past summer.

I went to the local jeweler who, after inspecting the wares told me it was worth around 850.00 and if that was okay with me. As you can imagine I acted as if it meant nothingā€¦sure no problem(inside I was elated) . That same day during the evening I continued to search around and found more gold. Went to the same jeweler again and he said in a low monotone voice of disappointment ā€œI can only give you 2400.00 for all theseā€¦is that okay with you?ā€ā€¦and my response was ā€œI guess soā€¦go aheadā€

All that money covered my expenses for the remainder of the summer. I have only needed to call Bune once more and still he came through.

What all of the above taught me was, first and foremost make a solid relationship with the spirit or demon of your choice. Simply evoking a demon and demanding this or that will get you nothing.

Early morning demonic offering of wine and blood – wooden plate of circle of pacts courtesy of TWF!!! Each day I make an early morning formal spirit offerings to the demons, to the gods and the goddesses, to the spirits of the dead. ā€œIf thee make no homage then you get crapā€

Apply yourself to acknowledging the spirits and demons daily and see how your life will change for the better.

Ohā€¦by the way, I did play the same number again a week later and won 80.00.

What Bune did for me

Submitted By: FanOfBune
Bune Delivered within: 3 Weeks

I was unemployed for two months when working with Bune was suggested to me. Since I was in a pickle and in need of a stable income again, I gave it a shot. Not being versed at all in the world of goetia, my good friend passed along a way to summon Bune that was within my wheelhouse. I was ignorant of goetia and the magic of Solomon going into this.

I made contact in the prescribed way and formally asked for my specific desires. I specifically asked for a job that:

paid $52k a year ($25 an hour)
offered full benefits
didn’t drug test for marijuana
made me genuinely happy
In return, I offered:

two bottles of wine
Bune’s sigil placed on a rock within a geoglyph
a shared pipe of tobacco
a shared pipe’s worth of marijuana
this testimonial
Much more than the mere two glasses of grape wine and public testimonial that were asked for.

This was offered under the time constraint of one moon cycle. The deal was made 2/3/18. Goetia punch the clock at the next full moon and the cycle ends at the following full moon. In this case, Bune didn’t need to clock in until 3/1/18 and had until 3/31/18 to fulfill their end of the deal.

Within a week, I received responses to all of the applications put in around the time of the deal, and then some. Not only was this a dramatic uptick in responses, but they were all in the ballpark of what I asked Bune for. Prior to that, I was happy when the $40k and no-benefit jobs would respond.

March 15th, while in an interview for another job that would have paid around $60k, I was offered a job with following benefits to me:

$50k a year ($24 an hour)
No drug test
Full benefits from day one (even medical)
a company full of kind and perfectly polite people
a job that excites me a
job that makes me unbelievably happy
Bottom line: Bune scored a home run on this one!

Sure, a dollar an hour off the mark, but there are no complaints on my end. I was so happy that I included bonuses for Bune. An extra bottle of wine with this testimonial when I receive my first paycheck, then another bottle of wine and a steak dinner as the first meal in my new apartment.

This job was one that I applied to right before contacting Bune.

I am beyond grateful to Bune and look forward to working with them in the future.

The Long Of It
This is the part you may find boring if you aren’t really looking for any details. Just skip down to the next section.

I have two main careers that I can work in, one that generally pays $40k a year and one that pays $50k a year. The $40k career was my most recent job and the $50k career is something I have been out of for six years. The job I now have, thanks to Bune, is in the $40k career field paying $50k. That potential $60k job that came out of nowhere, was from the $50k career. That should give further insight into the quality of jobs that Bune was sending my way.

Contacting Bune was much easier than fulfilling my end of the deal. The park where the geoglyph is located is right next to several apartment complexes and is visited somewhat heavily, even past my bedtime. Initial contact was easy enough and was easily done at night holding the sigil on a piece of paper. Not too weird to walk up on that in the middle of a park. However, making the offerings was a different story.

Initial Contact
When I called Bune forth and willed them to me, I began to feel a presence to the left and the front of me. With my eyes opened and unfocused, I saw a form enter into the light from the flames of my protective circle. This form had three distinct heads and necks. Black and serpent in nature, much like a three headed dragon. The form was not see though; it blocked out lights from the apartments when it moved.

The head on my right would turn into the profile of a human male. An odd and peculiar head, but not grotesque in anyway. The head seemed to be for my benefit when Bune initially communicated. Though the human head soon stopped appearing when it was obvious that Bune’s seemingly natural appearance had no effect on me or my concentration.

I thanked Bune for coming when I called, and for answering questions that I had for my friend that he could not answer. I would like to form some sort of friendship, so I tried to greet Bune in a respectful, yet somewhat playful and happy manner. A couple of things I said pushed the boundaries of appropriate familiarity with what is arguably astral royalty. I was promptly reminded that we weren’t close like that yet. Firmly, but gently. I could tell there was a small amount of respect gained for having those kind of balls and not stepping into the territory of disrespect. DO NOT ATTEMPT IF YOU ARE NOT SKILLED IN THAT SORT OF THING IN REAL LIFE!

I told Bune my situation and asked if they would be willing to help. I intuitively felt the agreeably as long as I was willing to provide the two glasses of wine and public recognition they asked for through my friend. I agreed, advised what else I was willing to offer, then I sent my specific requests and visualized them at the same time. I waited a matter of a few seconds before the terms were agreed to.

I thanked Bune for their patience and willingness to do business together. I asked Bune to leave in peace and then cleaned my astral body. I put Bune’s sigil in a place that is within 12 inches of my person most of the day and went about my life.

Presenting My Gifts

There were a lot more physical objects to carry into the park that extremely busy night. I had to wait almost an hour after the sun went down to finally have a big enough gap between people to do this right. Any spot within the geoglyph is really no more than 100′ from the foot path. The spot I put Bune’s rock at is maybe 30′ from the path.

Along with the two bottles of wine, I also brought a small bottle of milk, a bottle of pomegranate juice, a snack-sized tube of honey, and a freshly baked ciabatta bread. My tobacco pipe, joint, and a small white candle in glass also joined me.

Here is a picture of what I brought to the geoglyph:

My Offering For Bune

Once the coast was clear, I made quick work of things.

I listened to this track for my celebratory summoning of Bune.

After getting things started, I apologized to Bune that this would have to be quick, but we could still have a little drink together. While thanking Bune for everything and what it means to me, I broke the bread up into pieces and arranged them in the pattern of the Star of David. I poured the offerings into the center while I puffed on the joint and tobacco. I would pour some wine from the bottle and tell Bune why I chose it, took a swig and enjoyed it, then poured the remainder though the center of the Star.

Here are where something interesting happened . . . I had to go to the bathroom from the pre-party I had in Bune’s honor while I waited for the park to clear out. Remembering how goetia don’t like human smells, I knew taking a leak near Bune’s rock would be flat out major disrespect on my part. I excused myself, explained why, and ran to another side of the geoglyph and pissed outside the boarder of it.

Once I was done, I cleaned my astral self again and went back to finish up the joint so I can wrap things up. I apologized again and explained that I did not want to insult Bune nor did I want a bodily function to break my concentration while making these offerings. No transgression was detected and Bune didn’t seem to mind the silence while feasting.

Three Days After
I stayed away from the park for a few days to let things settle and continue living my life. This park is visited by free roaming dogs all day long and is home to a family or two of crow sized birds. I figured something would have taken most of the bread within 24 hours.

Much to my surprise, as I walked into a park and could see the spot I put Bune’s rock in the distance, I saw a pure white dog begin to eat the bread that was still there. This dog didn’t just eat one piece and was done. No, this dog ate that bread for a good three or four minutes before the owner walked over to make the dog respond. By that time the dog finished all the bread.

It seemed like none of the bread had been touched until I walked back into the park.

I wouldn’t read too much into this dog. It isn’t like the dog looked at me or acted odd in any way. It was a very normal acting dog the whole time I saw it after eating the bread. However, it is interesting that it was a pure white dog and didn’t eat the bread until I walked into the park and saw it doing so.

I took it as a good sign.

My Thoughts On Bune And Other Goetia
These are intelligent beasts.

Please . . . reread that last sentence.

They are not human beings. They are intelligent beasts. More intelligent and much more able to work with the fabric of reality than we are. These goetic ā€œdemonsā€ command legions of spirits and hold positions of high respect in their world . . . for good reason.

Be respectful as you would in a professional environment. Which also means keeping respect for yourself. Respecting one’s self seems to help garner respect from those in that world, much like it does in our own.

You may have noticed that I have refrained from making the distinction of Bune’s gender. I got the feeling that Bune was a collective of spirits acting as one mind. Speaking with my friend, this seems to be common with goetia. Take from that what you will.

Bune seems to be one entity that you can form a sort of friendship with, but keep it healthy. You two won’t be skipping down the sidewalk together, but sharing a little love and offerings now and again can get you a long way.

My Advice
Goetia seem to be quite sensitive to smell. They love the smells everyone loves, but they hate the smell of physical beings. Not because they are beings, but because of what seeps out of those physical bodies. So, take a shower before approaching any goetia. You’ll be more apt to get what you want when you smell like sandalwood and not B.O.

Clean your astral body as well. Before and after contact. I do it right before and right after interactions. The reasons for this should be obvious and I don’t think you will be offending them at all. If anything, they might be jealous because you can do that and they can’t. If a spirit is offended by you cleansing your astral body before and after meetings, I would advise not dealing with that particular one.

Treat Bune’s and all other goetia’s sigils with respect, just as you would the associated spirit. It’s a demon’s calling card. Don’t abuse it.

My final bit of advice: Tread lightly.

Major upturn in Business

Submitted By: Paddy
Bune Delivered within: 3 Weeks

I started a new business back in 2017 but getting new clients seemed to be an up-hill battle. I’m a freelancer and I was lucky if I got a new client every other month. Money was very tight to say the least and I was pretty much going to pack it all in and find a full-time job (which I really didn’t want to do).

I’d been studying the occult on-and-off for around a year and messed around with Sigils with no to little success. I’d read about Bune previously but was a little but worried about summoning a demon. I mean, you’ve got to be either pretty desperate or have major big balls dabbling with this kind of stuff. My balls I’m sad to say are average at best but I was pretty desperate.

I used the ritual here on this website as it seemed the easiest. No blood, sacrifices or anything else like that. Just a few candles and incense.

To cut a very long story short, after my petition was made to Bune, within a few weeks (3 at most) I started to get several high paying Clients. Now you could put his down to coincidence but i’d literally been trying to bring in business since last year with very little success.

So that’s my success story. If anyone has any doubts that this works, just do it. What have you got to lose?

Thank you Bune!

Donation coming you way!

Ritual I used: –Ā https://www.bunesuccess.com/articles/easy-steps-to-summon-bune/