Submitted By: FanOfBune
Bune Delivered within: 3 Weeks
I was unemployed for two months when working with Bune was suggested to me. Since I was in a pickle and in need of a stable income again, I gave it a shot. Not being versed at all in the world of goetia, my good friend passed along a way to summon Bune that was within my wheelhouse. I was ignorant of goetia and the magic of Solomon going into this.
I made contact in the prescribed way and formally asked for my specific desires. I specifically asked for a job that:
paid $52k a year ($25 an hour)
offered full benefits
didn’t drug test for marijuana
made me genuinely happy
In return, I offered:
two bottles of wine
Bune’s sigil placed on a rock within a geoglyph
a shared pipe of tobacco
a shared pipe’s worth of marijuana
this testimonial
Much more than the mere two glasses of grape wine and public testimonial that were asked for.
This was offered under the time constraint of one moon cycle. The deal was made 2/3/18. Goetia punch the clock at the next full moon and the cycle ends at the following full moon. In this case, Bune didn’t need to clock in until 3/1/18 and had until 3/31/18 to fulfill their end of the deal.
Within a week, I received responses to all of the applications put in around the time of the deal, and then some. Not only was this a dramatic uptick in responses, but they were all in the ballpark of what I asked Bune for. Prior to that, I was happy when the $40k and no-benefit jobs would respond.
March 15th, while in an interview for another job that would have paid around $60k, I was offered a job with following benefits to me:
$50k a year ($24 an hour)
No drug test
Full benefits from day one (even medical)
a company full of kind and perfectly polite people
a job that excites me a
job that makes me unbelievably happy
Bottom line: Bune scored a home run on this one!
Sure, a dollar an hour off the mark, but there are no complaints on my end. I was so happy that I included bonuses for Bune. An extra bottle of wine with this testimonial when I receive my first paycheck, then another bottle of wine and a steak dinner as the first meal in my new apartment.
This job was one that I applied to right before contacting Bune.
I am beyond grateful to Bune and look forward to working with them in the future.
The Long Of It
This is the part you may find boring if you aren’t really looking for any details. Just skip down to the next section.
I have two main careers that I can work in, one that generally pays $40k a year and one that pays $50k a year. The $40k career was my most recent job and the $50k career is something I have been out of for six years. The job I now have, thanks to Bune, is in the $40k career field paying $50k. That potential $60k job that came out of nowhere, was from the $50k career. That should give further insight into the quality of jobs that Bune was sending my way.
Contacting Bune was much easier than fulfilling my end of the deal. The park where the geoglyph is located is right next to several apartment complexes and is visited somewhat heavily, even past my bedtime. Initial contact was easy enough and was easily done at night holding the sigil on a piece of paper. Not too weird to walk up on that in the middle of a park. However, making the offerings was a different story.
Initial Contact
When I called Bune forth and willed them to me, I began to feel a presence to the left and the front of me. With my eyes opened and unfocused, I saw a form enter into the light from the flames of my protective circle. This form had three distinct heads and necks. Black and serpent in nature, much like a three headed dragon. The form was not see though; it blocked out lights from the apartments when it moved.
The head on my right would turn into the profile of a human male. An odd and peculiar head, but not grotesque in anyway. The head seemed to be for my benefit when Bune initially communicated. Though the human head soon stopped appearing when it was obvious that Bune’s seemingly natural appearance had no effect on me or my concentration.
I thanked Bune for coming when I called, and for answering questions that I had for my friend that he could not answer. I would like to form some sort of friendship, so I tried to greet Bune in a respectful, yet somewhat playful and happy manner. A couple of things I said pushed the boundaries of appropriate familiarity with what is arguably astral royalty. I was promptly reminded that we weren’t close like that yet. Firmly, but gently. I could tell there was a small amount of respect gained for having those kind of balls and not stepping into the territory of disrespect. DO NOT ATTEMPT IF YOU ARE NOT SKILLED IN THAT SORT OF THING IN REAL LIFE!
I told Bune my situation and asked if they would be willing to help. I intuitively felt the agreeably as long as I was willing to provide the two glasses of wine and public recognition they asked for through my friend. I agreed, advised what else I was willing to offer, then I sent my specific requests and visualized them at the same time. I waited a matter of a few seconds before the terms were agreed to.
I thanked Bune for their patience and willingness to do business together. I asked Bune to leave in peace and then cleaned my astral body. I put Bune’s sigil in a place that is within 12 inches of my person most of the day and went about my life.
Presenting My Gifts
There were a lot more physical objects to carry into the park that extremely busy night. I had to wait almost an hour after the sun went down to finally have a big enough gap between people to do this right. Any spot within the geoglyph is really no more than 100′ from the foot path. The spot I put Bune’s rock at is maybe 30′ from the path.
Along with the two bottles of wine, I also brought a small bottle of milk, a bottle of pomegranate juice, a snack-sized tube of honey, and a freshly baked ciabatta bread. My tobacco pipe, joint, and a small white candle in glass also joined me.
Here is a picture of what I brought to the geoglyph:
My Offering For Bune
Once the coast was clear, I made quick work of things.
I listened to this track for my celebratory summoning of Bune.
After getting things started, I apologized to Bune that this would have to be quick, but we could still have a little drink together. While thanking Bune for everything and what it means to me, I broke the bread up into pieces and arranged them in the pattern of the Star of David. I poured the offerings into the center while I puffed on the joint and tobacco. I would pour some wine from the bottle and tell Bune why I chose it, took a swig and enjoyed it, then poured the remainder though the center of the Star.
Here are where something interesting happened . . . I had to go to the bathroom from the pre-party I had in Bune’s honor while I waited for the park to clear out. Remembering how goetia don’t like human smells, I knew taking a leak near Bune’s rock would be flat out major disrespect on my part. I excused myself, explained why, and ran to another side of the geoglyph and pissed outside the boarder of it.
Once I was done, I cleaned my astral self again and went back to finish up the joint so I can wrap things up. I apologized again and explained that I did not want to insult Bune nor did I want a bodily function to break my concentration while making these offerings. No transgression was detected and Bune didn’t seem to mind the silence while feasting.
Three Days After
I stayed away from the park for a few days to let things settle and continue living my life. This park is visited by free roaming dogs all day long and is home to a family or two of crow sized birds. I figured something would have taken most of the bread within 24 hours.
Much to my surprise, as I walked into a park and could see the spot I put Bune’s rock in the distance, I saw a pure white dog begin to eat the bread that was still there. This dog didn’t just eat one piece and was done. No, this dog ate that bread for a good three or four minutes before the owner walked over to make the dog respond. By that time the dog finished all the bread.
It seemed like none of the bread had been touched until I walked back into the park.
I wouldn’t read too much into this dog. It isn’t like the dog looked at me or acted odd in any way. It was a very normal acting dog the whole time I saw it after eating the bread. However, it is interesting that it was a pure white dog and didn’t eat the bread until I walked into the park and saw it doing so.
I took it as a good sign.
My Thoughts On Bune And Other Goetia
These are intelligent beasts.
Please . . . reread that last sentence.
They are not human beings. They are intelligent beasts. More intelligent and much more able to work with the fabric of reality than we are. These goetic ādemonsā command legions of spirits and hold positions of high respect in their world . . . for good reason.
Be respectful as you would in a professional environment. Which also means keeping respect for yourself. Respecting one’s self seems to help garner respect from those in that world, much like it does in our own.
You may have noticed that I have refrained from making the distinction of Bune’s gender. I got the feeling that Bune was a collective of spirits acting as one mind. Speaking with my friend, this seems to be common with goetia. Take from that what you will.
Bune seems to be one entity that you can form a sort of friendship with, but keep it healthy. You two won’t be skipping down the sidewalk together, but sharing a little love and offerings now and again can get you a long way.
My Advice
Goetia seem to be quite sensitive to smell. They love the smells everyone loves, but they hate the smell of physical beings. Not because they are beings, but because of what seeps out of those physical bodies. So, take a shower before approaching any goetia. You’ll be more apt to get what you want when you smell like sandalwood and not B.O.
Clean your astral body as well. Before and after contact. I do it right before and right after interactions. The reasons for this should be obvious and I don’t think you will be offending them at all. If anything, they might be jealous because you can do that and they can’t. If a spirit is offended by you cleansing your astral body before and after meetings, I would advise not dealing with that particular one.
Treat Bune’s and all other goetia’s sigils with respect, just as you would the associated spirit. It’s a demon’s calling card. Don’t abuse it.
My final bit of advice: Tread lightly.