Seeing signs of Bune

Submitted By: ReginaW
Bune Delivered within: 2 Days

Hail Bune!

I’ve started working with Bune within the past week. Prior to that, I wanted to learn what he/she likes, their demeanor and to just communicate.

Every time I have talked with Bune, recited the Enn or stared at the sigil, I have such calm.
My business has picked up, I’m keeping my head above water in terms of finances and I’m watching more money coming in. I was concerned because I spent a bit more than I should have for Christmas but I’m able to pay my bills and am receiving more.

I’ve also been doing affirmations around abundance and have called upon Bune to receive his/her energy while listening to the affirmations video. I’ve been doing this twice a day. I light a candle for Bune at work and I light candles everyday at home while also laying rose petals out for him/her as well as honey.

This morning at sunrise I recited the Enn to bring forth Bune to make my requests.
I know I felt a presence and was not at all afraid.

My personality has also changed- I’m more outgoing and bold and I’m SO happy that I’m seeing changes!

I’m looking forward to seeing what Bune will do with my requests and I’ll happily keep you updated.
Hail Bune!

Always on time

Submitted By: wwhitch
Bune Delivered within: 3 Days

This wasn’t the first time ive worked with Bune , but definitely it was one of the most important times for me. i had such a tough time making money and decided to work with Bune again. i did all ive been doing while working with Bune. Offerings of fruits, alcohol and candles. In return Bune asked for 2 posts like this one and a special offering night just for him/her. My request was fulfilled within 3 days and im keeping my side of the bargin. Thank you Bune, without your help i would have been in such trouble. Thank you so much for your amazing work. Thank you thank you thank you Bune ! I totally encourage anyone who hesitates to work with him/her , to do so. The results are amazing !

Bune is exceptional

Submitted By: Shaz
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

Duke Bune Continues to impress me.

I am working with Duke Bune for over a month now. I’m going deeper into forming a strong working relationship with Duke Bune, I am getting opportunities every single day, that I am able to convert into money. I still haven’t Really seen Duke Bune, but he is working.

I have since been offered many contractual opportunities that will ensure that I am able to pay my staff and myself. I am seeing peoples lives change since I’ve introduced family members to work with Duke Bune. My niece received the job she wanted and every week my sisters small eat out business are sold out.

Duke Bune you amaze me, I continue to pay homage. Every day, I light a candle, some days I forgot but its as if something reminds me that I must pay homage. On the 19th of November, I paid homage to Duke Bune the morning and that same day two people( one unfamiliar to me and one person that I haven’t heard from in months) contacted me to do some work for them.

I am truly grateful Duke Bune, and I will continue to work with you, continue to introduce people to you and continue to show gratitude to you. Try the Duke, he is easy to work with, you don’t feel afraid and keep your promises and agreements, respect Duke Bunes Office- He holds it in High Esteem and so should you. All the best

seal and enn

Submitted By: bobby g
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

I started by drawing his seal and then I recited his enn 108 times while burning a green candle and sandlewood incense. I asked for a job or jobs as I am self employed and just when I thought it was not working the phone was ringing with a potential client and then another. Bune is a great spirit for prosperity. Thank you o great spirit Bune

Bune is exceptional

Submitted By: Shaz
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

I was literally with my back against a wall and needed money. Not only personal but also business. I was always Interested in doing spells. I did a few, some worked and some did not. But I was looking for something stronger to work with, bear in mind Im a rookie and still learning with the help of Duke Bune.

I was a bit afraid at first due to gory stories I was sensitized to whilst growing up. I asked a friend if she would join me to do the ritual. We decided to do it on a Friday. I read that rum was good, I did not have rum so I got brandy, sandalwood incenses, honey, I was really short on cash, a black candle and a white candle. I drew the sigil on white paper with a green kokis.

We proceeded with the Enn and some other incantations. We felt the presence and welcomed Bune. My request was very long indeed. A couple of days went by and no results. I wasn’t despondent. I felt the urge to do another ritual with a blood offering and made my request. Made a stronger pledge as I want to work with Bune. I also started talking to family members about his exceptional work that he does. And then it kicked in. First staff salaries was paid 11000 rand then rental and debt total amount received was 25950 rand to date received to cover my expenses. What did I have to do in return: Do a 33 day gratitude ritual, I’m did day 8 today(29th of October 2018) Additionally I must chant The Duke Enn 87 times for the duration of the 33 days. I have been working gradually with Duke Bune and received numerous business opportunities.

He also requested that I continue with blood offerings. On day 8 I mustered the courage to do scrying and it worked. I have to work on it a bit more as it requires a bit of concentration without blinking. Black smoke in the mirror and a face within my face and telepathy communication. Total peace. I thanked Duke Bune who appeared as a man and a woman, long black hair. A couple of days after I did the first blood ritual I dreamt about a tall slender man, blonde hair and light eyes. There was a doberman dog that accompanied the man. He did not talk at all. I’m not sure if it was the Duke but the dream reoccur ed. I love working with Duke Bune as I see results. He really does open opportunities for success.

He requires trust and patience and respect for his office. I did not do any banishing rights, but always after the ritual I would do a protection visualization. I also banish negativity, anger, and any thing that can cause blockages. I also read the tarot cards, I’ve been choosing the same cards with the same message all the time, and I adhere to those. I really think that more people should work with Duke Bune, he is exceptional and really does what he says he is going to do. Just make sure that you keep your end of the bargain…. That’s called respect for your agreement. Duke Bune thank you…. You are exceptional and you do exceptional work

Bune Rocks

Submitted By: The grateful one
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

First of all I wanna say how helpful this site has been to a new sorcerer like myself . A friend showed me a video on YouTube about Bune. Totally rocked my world and decided to give it a try . I googled Bune and the stories I found were amazing. That encouraged me to make the invocation . The only thing that really wasn’t of my liking was the blood part. So I decided to give it a try with all the info I had and see what happens.

Long story short. I’m working a part time commission based job and trying to develop my own business which isn’t happening as fast as I wish. Got really tight with money this month as my summer 2d part time job finished end of September . Have coming up bills and really needed a boost. Especially when my car broke down and had to buy a new one . So, I had my old very old almost not running car outside my house , it’s been there for 2 months now. My mechanic said no way I could sell it and better give it for scrap . So I said ok . The day b4 I invoked Bune I checked for places for scrap and they were offering like a 100 for it . I was ready to give it away as I really needed the cash . Then my friend said let’s do a ritual for Bune, and wasn’t very difficult to convince me , considering my financial situation.

So I went shopping bought fruits , made special mousse , got orange essential oil, orange liquor and decided to give it a go . Then I found online that Bune also like herbs and coins and orange candles . I happened to have all of them : nutmeg, cinnamon, parsley, dill. So placed my offerings of fruits, oils, liquor made Bunes sigil and wrote on a piece of paper that I wanted a secure income of 300-500 weekly . I didn’t see a figure or a vision but it’s like Bune was talking to me in my head . It was totally out of the ordinary . Anyway , went to bed and next morning I went to the office of my part time job and sat there and thought okay let’s see if it worked.

Then over sudden my boss asked me how r things. I shared that I’m looking for info where I can give my car for scrap for a good price . He said then I shouldn’t give up on it and post it online for more money. I had a light bulb in my head lightning and said that’s Bune.
So I went home and posted the car on a site saying I’m selling it for 250 and the price is so low coz of this and this reason . 3 hours later 2 men contacted me that wanna buy it and one of them really did and I got my 250 . I promised in exchange for Bunes service is write this post and make an offering of wine and fruits . So I got 2 bottles of wine and many fruits as thank you.

Thank you Bunes !truly helped me in a tough period of my life ! Hail Bune!

Duke Bune is awesome

Submitted By: Anonymous
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

I’m in some tough time’s right now and so i started to get into satanism and found out you can work with the ancient god’s/demon’s and from there i found Duke Bune, i’d pray to Lord Satan and then Duke Bune to help me get a Job and to keep guilding me the right path.

And thought’s would keep popping in my head leading to certain page’s on the internet about how to perform Ritual’s so i kept reading, gathering every piece of information i could get my hand’s on! only took like a week before i actually performed the ritual, also note the more you research on a demon, your going to start seeing signs, putting thought’s in your head, the demon’s not going to wait until you actually summon him/her, even E.A Koetting mentions this if you guy’s don’t know him i suggest you check out his YT channel, Lot’s of thing’s to learn from him. Okay so it was a Friday night, i bought 4 orange candles, sandlewood incense, 1 green candle, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 red candle. some fruit as offerings, Lord Satan’s sigil and Duke Bune’s sigil with my life essence on them (blood), I wrote my request on paper ‘ asking for job and whatnot ‘ this is where you should be specific as i only wrote i needed a job ” not like that but in long paragraph, not going share that part as you should figure that out on your own. i put box in middle of room and i blessed a clean pillow case cover that i now use as altar cloth as i didn’t have any other cloth to use,

i set it up like an altar, i put the colored candle’s (not the orange ones) in the right directions for AIR FIRE WATER EARTH, and the orange ones near the altar 1 on top and other’s on bottom of altar as the other ones wouldn’t fit on altar, i did evocation too the element’s in each direction and i blowed them out afterwards, sat down and started praying to Lord Satan, gazing at their sigil’s while saying their Enn’s and i said the Demon Prayer also and i read out my request, repeated like 3 times until i felt like it was done, i did feel energy’s so that was a sign ” also your suppose to create a protective circle in salt but i was confident enough to do without it as i Dedicated my soul to Lord Satan a couple day’s before and prayed for Protection, and so the ritual was done, a week later i get message about a Job and so i was really excited did interview and got the Job but it wasn’t what i was expecting, This job is insanely hard and i have no experience and they didn’t really offer training, so i quit but i think he/she know’s this and i started getting other message’s for Job’s so yeah that’s my story. Hail Lord Satan, Hail Duke Bune.


Submitted By: Angelicah
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

Alright so a couple months ago I had left my 7 month job for 3 weeks and when I decided to return back to that job it was taking a long time for them to give me my 3 weeks of pay and backpay checks. So I had been struggling hard going 4 weeks without any income even though I was working. With a 3 year old at home and a boyfriend at home with a broken foot not able to work I was really struggling with trying to pay for rent, utilities, etc. So I heard about bune through my manager and within 1 day he immediately got my checks sent straight into my bank account 😃😃 thank you so much bune. What a great blessing.

Bune answers

Submitted By: Kelly
Bune Delivered within: 3 Days

Bear with me through this story but it will lead to the reasons why I asked for Bune’s assistance. I rented a house to help my son his girlfriend and two kids because they were struggling and the rent was more than I could pay myself. They agreed to pay half and only paid their half one time. I struggled for 3 months trying to pay the rent, electricity was shut off and I had to struggle to get it turned back on. We were finally evicted and I was the only one who was being held responsible because I did not put them on the lease.

When I went to move it took everything I had to try to get them to at least clean the filth they created. Finally with help from friends the house was clean and we were out before court. The judge ordered that I pay over $3000 to fullfill my obligations to the owners of the house. I did some research online and found that Bune was one that could help, so with my minimal supplies, I evoked Bune and asked for $2000 so I could get a new place to live, thinking that was way to much to ask for and then put it out of my mind. 3 days later I received a notice from the owners of the house and my total dropped $2000. Praise be to Bune. It wasn’t exactly what I asked for but he knew what I needed the most and for that I am thankful.

Thank you

Submitted By: BueRose
Bune Delivered within: Not specified

I came to Bune in an hour of need, I needed my job to remain secure as I begin to pursue another career path and Bune has exceeded my expectations. Bune has successfully upheld their end of the first part of the pact to make my current job secure and is currently helping me with the second part with my new career path. This testimonial is part of the deal I made as Bune continues to work on our deal. Thank you Bune for being so quick and precise!