Needed money for rent

Submitted By: Linda
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

Our family was having trouble with money and we needed money for rent. I did a few rituals within a week I offered candy,fruit,honey,and my blood. I always believed she would help us I never saw her. It was the first time I tried working with her or anyone for that matter. I saw this morning she had made a way for the money to come through. I was so happy I started crying and I knew it was her that helped us. Thank You Bune!!!

Stock picking

Submitted By: R
Bune Delivered within: 3 Months

I did a stock picking with Duchess Bune and King Clauneck, whom I made a pact with.

I invested a large sum of money in high yield dividend stocks. My stocks rose and if it goes on I will make 20k+ $. I would like to thank Duchess Bune and King Clauneck for inspiring me.
Thank you!

More ways than one

Submitted By: Crazyasj
Bune Delivered within: Not specified

Bune hasn’t really came to me directly and said much. But i can feel bune all around me, the things that happened before I started just started believing and having conversations before bed with the sigil and a bit of blood nothing crazy just a little finger prick will do, have just changed. Im not so worried in life anymore, and I trust whats meant for me. The love I asked for is coming true slowly but surely, the money comes in spurts here and there. Next time money does come I’m going out to get more supplies for my nightly conversations. Much love bune, couldn’t be here without you!

Shortly after posting the post I just submitted both the concert i really wanted to go to go rescheduled to a date i may actually be able to attend. Bune works wonders in mysterious ways. All that was promised was to believe and share the word and to stand by bune when needed. P.s. its always needed. ⚡

Bune Movie Success

Submitted By: J2018
Bune Delivered within: 2 Months

After building a very strong bond with Duchess Bune through consistently meditating on her sigil and chanting her enn and then communicating through various divination methods and physically interacting with her I requested to make a pact for a specific result from a specific company from something I had applied for in the movie business

and as always she did not let me down I got the exact response I asked for from the exact company I asked for and now have a great career.

This is not the first time I have had success with Bune, everytime I have asked I have gotten from her and very quickly too! This one only took 2 months because that date for a result was already set.

Duchess Bune responds well if treated with respect and you put the work in to build a connection and a bond with her, also she seems to like cake as a food offering and sandalwood incense

Thanks again Duchess Bune!

Hail Duchess Bune!

Submitted By: Lisa
Bune Delivered within: 3 Days

Warning: this is going to be long. Here’s a little background on my situation: I am recently divorced and have had several unexpected expenses so money is very, very tight. About a month ago, I started having severe tooth pain and was told that I needed a root canal. I have a new job and my dental insurance won’t pay for major procedures for another 4 months!! I have been in so much pain and unable to sleep and have been in a complete panic trying to figure out what to do – I absolutely can’t afford to have it fixed but I can’t handle this pain.

Enter Bune. A good friend of mine works with Bune with great success. He had a dream 5 nights ago and woke up with the feeling that I needed to work with her and she would help me. When he told me about it, I immediately felt a very strong pull to connect with her. I spent the day (last Thursday) researching Bune and that night I set up an altar for her with the things I had on hand – green and orange candles, mango infused brandy, honey, orange essential oil and I hand drew her sigil, dropped some blood on it and framed it. Then I just wanted to connect with her – not asking her for anything, but just to get to know her and feel her energy. So I found some great YouTube videos with her sigil and enn and I chanted it while gazing at the sigil for about 15 minutes. I felt such a loving, comforting energy from her and I knew everything was going to be ok somehow. The next day (Friday, which happens to be her day), I did a little shopping and added a grapefruit, an orange, orange roses and carnations and a chocolate cake to her altar. I also drew her sigil on a piece of foil, dropped some blood on it, held it open in my hand while gazing at her sigil and chanting her enn for 10 minutes. Afterwards, I folded the foil, put it on her altar and just talked to her. I asked her to help me find a way to have my tooth fixed and to find alternate sources of income. In return, I promised her I would publicly sing her praises and tell others about her and of course that I would keep her altar stocked with the things she loves. I did not see her that night but I felt her beautiful comforting energy. I did a tarot reading afterwards (because Bune is all about divination) about my tooth and saw that I would have an obstacle, but that everything would be ok. Hmmmm…

So back to my tooth. It got so much worse over the weekend. It’s just ridiculous. This morning in desperation, I called my dentist and asked him to just pull out the bad tooth, even though it could be saved and I would miss it. He said he would not pull it because there was a “lesion” in the bone under the tooth that he saw on my x-rays last week and he wanted to send me to an oral surgeon. WTF?! How on earth am I going to pay for THAT?!?! I guess this is The Obstacle. I literally have $125 until I get paid tomorrow and I have to do something today. So now I’m thinking I have cancer and now I’m even more desperate to get that tooth out of me. (Eventually I will laugh about this). One of my coworkers recommended her dentist and said he might be more willing to pull out my tooth so I called him. They worked me in at 1:30 today and my dentist sent him all my x-rays so he could see the lesion. It looks like I have a little alien head in my jaw. I pleaded with him to pull out my tooth, but he wanted to do some tests to make sure that tooth was the culprit of all this pain. He identified my little alien as a benign tumor which was probably not the cause of the pain. He spent 2 hours with me doing all kinds of different testing on my teeth. It turns out that my problem is trigeminal neuralgia (a very inflamed nerve that causes severe pain) – not my tooth which I was about to have pulled for no reason. During all this testing, I’m freaking out about how much all this is going to cost me and OMG what if it’s more than I have in my checking account?! Then he gave me some shots right in the nerves in the painful area to keep me numb for 8-12 hours and referred me to a neurologist. Best news ever because it will go on my medical insurance which will pay for everything!!!!!! And, the miracle of today was that after all that time, x-rays, testing and shots, this dentist only charged me $14. Fourteen dollars?! And they gave me a really nice insulated water bottle and some ORANGE flavored lip balm! When I left, I felt Bune’s energy and have been on kind of a high from it ever since! I truly believe she intervened and helped me today. For the first time in days, I’m not in pain and I’m not scared of the source of the pain. And I have several new ideas on other income sources!! I will continue to work with Bune and I encourage any of you who might still be reading this to work with her as well. She has the most beautiful and loving energy and I can’t wait to get to know her better! Hail Bune!!!


Submitted By: STARBOY
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

I First Started Working With Dutchess Bune Roughly A Year Ago. I Landed Myself In Some Business Debt And Called Upon Bune And Asked For Financial Gain To Get Me Out Of The Mess I Was In. A Few Hours After Asking Bune She Delivered Massive Income And My Debt And Problems Are The Past. I Call Upon Her All The Time And She Always Delivers.

Thank You Great Dutchess.


Submitted By: Steve
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

Bune is just wonderful, contact was easy i used a different sigil to the one on this site orange scented orange candle no circle no triangle. I stared at her sigil after empowering it, by going into the void within my body seeing the spark of power letting it grow and transferring the energy into the sigil. She came and sat in a chair in my kitchen she was dressed in a cross between ancient Greek and medieval English dress very sharp and we had a chat. I asked for her help to get new customers, she obliged quickly.

I also asked for some necromancy help to which she gave me a sigil. I marked the person with the sigil so that they are under her protection at there time of passing.

She ask if i would mention that she can also help with sex magic, this can get quite interesting. All in all Bune has been wonderful experience. I am sure that if you were rude and disrespectful it would not be the same. I will call on Bune again.

I offered my help if she ever needed it.

New Beginning with Bune

Submitted By: Andrea from Canada
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

I am currently having a really hard time in my life. Not enough money to pay the bills, my husband is in a somewhat laid off position, and our income is limited to below the poverty line. We struggle just to have something for dinner most nights never mind breakfast and lunch those meals are luxuries. I had been working some magic spells with little to no success. I asked Lord Lucifer for his guidance, and while surfing the net, a youtube video came up for an enn chant to Bune.

I had heard of Bune before and had even asked him for his help, but only asked did not complete any rituals or spells. So I listened to the enn chant and I repeated the enn chant myself. Then after some research online I decided to do a ritual to him. I had a few extra dollars this week due to a government benefit and I purchased an orange, an apple, a small bottle of rum and my husband baked a store bought packaged cake that someone had given to us. I decided to do a ritual of my own taking bits and pieces of others stories, but I wanted it to be something of my own. I completed the ritual on a Friday early evening by 7:30 pm. I woke up just shortly after 6 am on Saturday, and found that I had won $22 on a lottery ticket I had purchased before the finding of Bune on youtube. So withing a few hours of completing my ritual and leaving my offering to him, I had gained money (the draw for that lottery ticket was at 10:30 pm so 3 hours).

I felt this goosebump sort of feeling in my legs, and felt excited about things to come shortly after completing the ritual. I woke this morning feeling confident and thankful to Bune. I came straight here to give Bune my Thanks and I feel like there is so much more to come. I feel like this small win is Bune telling me its okay I am here be patient. I feel happy for the first time in a very long time and I feel like the future is going to be so much brighter. Thank you Bune, thank you so much and thank you to this website for giving me a venue to give my thanks.

Seeing More Signs of Bune!

Submitted By: ReginaW
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

I have been praying and meditating as well as chanting Bune’s enn while staring at his sigil. I’m sensing quite a shift! More money has been coming in as well as unexpected gifts! I just received a fairly big check today and a couple clients came in with late Christmas gifts. Bune rocks!! I’m expecting big things to happen, SO excited!

Hail Bune!

Wehlc melan avage Bune Tasa!


The Mark of Bune

Submitted By: IndigoZ
Bune Delivered within: 3 Days

Since learning of the power of Bune, I’ve kept the duke close to me with drawing sigils around my home and work place. Everyone worships differently, however just keeping the Duke in my mind and heart and thinking the spirit every time I get an opportunity to grow my business really pleases the spirit’s energy. I have not even set up an alter or have lit candles however due to my positive energy of gratitude I have been blessed with random business opportunities without even having to sell. I’m running to show my gratitude for the generous nature of Bune and would like to continue to spread the doctrine of truth. Praise Bune!