Submitted By: Mal
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

Hello again,

I’ve been trying to get new apartment since my landlord was to renovate. And I was looking for very spacious and in my pay range. And I worked and summoned Duke Bune and asked for exactly what I need and Suke Bune delivered it to me. I got my apartment and the money to pay to book apartment as well

Be honest and very true to Duke Bune. And it will get delivered.

Hail Bune!
Hail Bune!
Hail Bune!

Bune has been helping me for about a month

Submitted By: V
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

My business was low, I’m in debt I read about Buné online and on this site and decided to try.

My business is now selling twice as much and EVERYDAY. I’ve my altar for her (as I feel she is feminine) and meditate daily.

Love her so much. Praise Buné

It really works

Submitted By: foxy
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

I had to pay someone and I didn’t have the money so I began to look online for option till I found this website and read your story I began to summon Bune in the whole morning and when I thought it won’t work I asked him to give me a sign that he was listening so there was a noise so I went out with $18 in my pocket to a casino I had to pay the person $250 and I had only $18 in my pocket so when I came out of the casino I had $350 I won 2 bingo games …At first I didn’t believe I thought this was a joke till it all happened and I really have to thank him for the help and as I promised I will come here and submit my story


Submitted By: Mal
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

Hello again.

I’ve so happy and blessed since i started working with Duke Bune. And it is very amazing experience.

Duke Bune did it again. Helped keep get he clients and resolve me blocked income problem.

Again guys.
Be honest and it will work.

Thank you Duke Bune for helping

Hail Bune
Hail Bune
Hail Bune

Never lets me down

Submitted By: DiscipleOfBune
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

Every time I make contact with Bune and ask for a favor I always receive much more than I ask for. I have asked for help getting jobs that I would’ve never been able to get otherwise with amazing success and for wisdom in tough situations. As long as the request has been reasonably possible Bune has always come through for me!

Success in a day

Submitted By: Theo
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

I’m so thankful to Duke Bune for being there and hearing me out. I needed immediately financial help desperately and urgent and I received it in a day. Everything went just way I asked for

Thank you so much Bune

Hail Bune
Hail Bune

It works. Put full faith in Bune. And be honest with Bune

Submitted By: Mal
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

I work in very complicated and resources field. And I need to get my client pay me 1k CAD because if I didnt get payed. It would be very complicated next month and I wouldn’t be able to pay my bill on time. So I summoned Duke Bune to ease up my problem. And some how get payed 1k CAD and pay my bill.

Duke Bune delivered it to me within a day. And I’m so grateful and blessed all my Bill’s are also payed on time.

Be honest with Bune and always keep your promise

Thank you Bune

Hail Bune
Hail Bune
Hail Bune.

Needed within 3 weeks but Bune came through in 1!

Submitted By: Bob
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

So I called on Bune to deliver much needed holiday funds within ‘the next 3 weeks’ (a definite date was given), but it all came together in only a week. Truth be told the full amount will be in my account within 7-10 days but it’s a done deal. I offered red wine and incense, along with sugar, tobacco and cocoa – about a teaspoonful of each – this was what i had on hand. The amount requested was $2500 (with harm to none), the amount delivered was $3350…so far? Not sure if there may be more to come.

This was my first time working with this entity and i found her (a strong female energy came through) to be a very calm, comforting presence and i felt her energy around for a good while after. She has also visited my dreams on 3 occasions and, among other things, has told me to ‘have oranges next time you call!

I feel i would be amiss if i didn’t advise anyone reading this to show respect when calling on this entity, not grovelling, just honest respect, and to have faith that your petition has been heard and will be acted upon in the most fluid way possible.

Thank You Duchess Bune 🙂

Blessings and job

Submitted By: Mal
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week


This is my 3rd time working with Duke Bune and it is been awesome. This time I prayed to Duke Bune for safe job for my Godfather as he was going through really tough time, and there was no hope. So I prayed to Duke Bune with my complete honesty and today when. I spoke to my godfather he said he got 2 jobs and its very secure as well. Duke Bune gave me exactly what I wanted for him.

Be very honest with Duke Bune and ask it with full faith and Duke Bune will grant you .

Hail Bune
Hail Bune
Hail Bune

Thank you Bune!

Submitted By: BuneisAwesome
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

Ive spoken to Bune in the past, tried to summon her and all her three headedness, and i had immediate success the next day. But this time she responded even faster.

Im 24 and had to move back in with my parents and things had gotten rough financially with us. like really bad. I was desperate and remembered my past success with Bune. I guess my pact with her was still active after 2 years since i’ve practiced talking to her and calling her name frequently. But i begged her for help and within a few hours my Dad got the call that he got the job at the Nuclear Power Plant near by that he had repeatedly been applying for. Thats not the end of it. Last week my mom got begged to take the position of MARKETING DIRECTOR at her work! She was just an assistant to some lower department! Thats a HUGE promotion! Bune more than delivered. She gave not just me a job, but my parents a stable good job. Shes freaking awesome! I kept my deal and told some people about it and am telling yall here. This is going to be a long term relationship for us <3