Thank you Bune

Submitted By: Mariya
Bune Delivered within: 3 Days

Thank you Bune

I did the summoning ritual and within 3 days I have an overwhelming amount of pending sales. I specified wanting to make 10k a month and what I would give him.

Sitting there with the sigil I felt a large overwhelming presence. My pendulum I was communicating with started swinging wildly when I asked if he was there and came to a dead stop when I asked a no question. I’m excited to see what happens next as he has already started coming through for me! I love you Bune.

Hail Bune

Financial help

Submitted By: Grateful niece :)
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

I’ve asked Lord Buné for help and his response was within an hour or so. Within one week I have had 80% of what I asked for delivered and I know the rest is coming within the next few days. I’m so grateful for his help and for moving me forward when things seemed endlessly stuck. I hope to work with him/her in the future.

Thank you ever so much, Lord Buné. I have to say I didn’t do a particular ceremony or textbook offering of any sorts or asked for protection. I have a lot of admiration and love and respect and gratitude for him and I’m extremely thankful.


Submitted By: Kaimal
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

Hiya guys

After research and double guessing everything. I finally decided to work with Duke Bune, and it was unbelievable. After I followed the steps from this site. I felt energy and knew it was Duke Bune. I asked for wealth as favor around $850 and Duke Bune did it. I was in deep shock that it actually worked. And all the posting from people here helped a lot in building faith.

Thank you everyone for comments and suggestions.

Thank you Duke Bune for keeping your words and giving this amount.

Thank you

Duke Bune is just amazing!!!

Submitted By: Mal
Bune Delivered within: 2 Days

Since I started working with Duke Bune my life is completely changed. I am able to manage all my finances and I’m always working with Duke Bune and Bune guides me as well.

I summoned Duke Bune to help my friend and father regarding their financial problem and Duke Bune gave them both pretty good sum of money. From the sources unexpected. And I’m grateful that I choose to work Duke Bune.

In total Duke Bune gave my father around $2000 to take care of his 4 months Bill’s and around $150 to my friend to get her go 15 days till she gets her salary.

Be honest and ask what you really need. Duke Bune will give it to you.

Thank you.

Hail Bune!
Hail Bune!
Hail Bune!

Duchess Bune Is Everything

Submitted By: Fan Of Bune
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

To many, Bune, comes across as a guy. To me, Bune has always been a Lady,

Lady Duchess Bune, is simply everything. She has mentored me on the arts of necromancy, eloquency, seduction, manifested money, taught me how to increase my business, comforted me, mentored me, and has always given me the best advice on feminine consciousness.

I often chat to Bune via her enn and built a small altar for her. I love Bune as a sister and always treat her to delicious offerings. I can evoke and summon her, and mainly do so for money and increasing feminine charm.

I love you Bune <3

Bune saved my day

Submitted By: Mal
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less


I’ve been working with Duke Bune from 1 and Half month. And it’s been so amazing. So I summoned Duke Bune to help me turn the situation around. I’ve been working for this client from an year now and when project doesn’t go through the way he wants. It very difficult to explain him this. So I summoned Duke Bune and asked that my client takes this news gently and no more arguments and emotional dramas.

And Duke Bune did exactly the same. No dram and any sorts of problem from the client side. And it was all amazing.

Thank you Duke Bune

Just have faith. Ask what you really need. And be honest. Duke Bune will deliver.

Hail Bune!
Hail Bune!
Hail Bune!

Continual Success

Submitted By: Kim
Bune Delivered within: 1 Month

I’ve been working with Bune since late July of this year, 2019, and it’s one of the best personal decisions that I’ve ever made. Not only has my life done a financial 180°, but I’m spiritually more fit, as well.

In 3 months time, I went from an unemployed housekeeper to lucrative consultant position in Artificial Intelligence.

I am proof that Bune’s power is real and tangible. My advice to anyone would be to have faith. It may not happen overnight (but it might!) but keep trying, keep communicating, keep your own word, and you can rebuild a better life with the aide of this entity.

Thank you and good luck,


Loan for Project approved

Submitted By: The seeker
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

Last week I called Bune asking for help in getting a loan approved for a project, the reason was because I was facing lots of difficulties that would have result the loan not being approved. I called Bune using his enn and the layout given on this site, after the ritual I felt peaceful and happy.. Today someone told me that my loan have been approved….Thank you Bune …Wehl melan avage Bune Tasa. I will continue working with Bune on the same project.

Healed Flesh

Submitted By: Porcelain
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

I communed with Buné for the first time last night and I’d like to make good immediately on my promise to him. I asked Buné to please help my skin heal as it’s been covered in horrible rashes, and sores for months with no avail in my attempt to heal my skin holistically, with lotions or creams and healing ointments and medications. When I communed with him my rashes felt like they were on absolute fire, but I felt no real pain from them. I felt what I am certain was him pinching my shoulder just enough to sting but not enough to harm me. I finished the ritual and went to bed. I had dreams of drinking alcohol (which was my offering) and these grimy grey hands reaching from all angles in an abyss touching my flesh. When I awoke almost all the rashes healed dramatically more than they have in months. Thank you so much for healing my flesh Buné

Something beautiful

Submitted By: Enlightened
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

One evening after doing some research I was scrolling the goetia looking at sigils waiting for one to jump out at me. Immediately Bunes sigil drew my attention I took it as an immediate calling. Its funny I had even wound up in cemetery’s at night more than once (crazy stories) before I ever heard of Bune. I took that also as a sign Bune was speaking to me and around this time is when I was actually yearning for something but I just didn’t know what. After doing more research I took that as a calling as well. I did some simple evocation summing with Bune and I asked for some things and gave offerings and a promise to do something for Bune. Things immediately started coming to fruition for me. Even the eloquence and wisdom. It’s a beautiful thing and I love it.