Unexpected generosity!

Submitted By: P
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

Praise Bune! Hail Bune!

Something truly remarkable happened from late 2018 to early 2019.

I cannot reiterate enough…the incredible kindness and generosity of Bune! Without even so much as an official ask, complete with petition, candle, offering…over the course of 7-8 months, Bune came through with over $7000 when we needed it the most. It always came from out of the blue, completely unexpected sources and places.

I mean it. At most, I had the *thought*…THE THOUGHT! of: “I’ll get an orange candle, a bottle of rum, I’ll petition Bune and ask for this much money and I need it in this amount of time…” and before I even so much as walked into a store to buy anything at all, money came. The largest amount was over $4000: an unbelievably large tax refund that my partner had received. This was right before she was considering taking out a loan at a high interest rate to help us out. I told her not to, that I would petition Bune and give my first EVER blood offering!!! instead and just to HOLD ON UNTIL THEN.

Two hours later:


I will add here that she was expecting to *owe* money, and was not expecting a refund in the slightest.

Later, I did give Bune a blood offering as promised.

Some of (though not all) of these money windfalls were preceded by the appearance or chance meeting of a Middle Eastern gentleman, at least 30 years old or older. Kind, funny and warm.

I have no other words for such awesome divine intervention. HAIL BUNE!!!


Submitted By: UNKNXWN
Bune Delivered within: 2 Days

I am writing this Success Story in Gratitude to Duke Bune. For a long while I was frustrated at my current living situation, finding myself depressed and hopeless. I searched online for Beings which were great at granting money for the Summoner and came across this website dedicated to Duke Bune. With further research, I decided that Duke Bune was the correct Intelligence for me to contact and ask for help.

Within two days I received a handsome amount of dosh. I now work with Duke Bune to help me flourish in other areas of my life, in particular, the maturing and growth of my spirit; which to me is one of the important aspects of magick.

I am grateful, and as will you also be once you communicate with Duke Bune 🙂

My first time!

Submitted By: DeMan
Bune Delivered within: 3 Days

I’m having a really bad situation according to money due to my country’s situation…I found this page and did the summoning begging to Lord Bune to listen to me…the second time I tried the summoning I felt way better and after around three days I got a little bit of money out of nowhere…to me that’s a sign that Lord Bune has listen and it’s just a start! I will keep in touch and let you know what I have achieve… Thank you Bune


It really works!

Submitted By: Droneth
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day

Okay, so recently me and my friends have found out about Duke Bune and we have been trying to learn about him. I recently learned his Enn and the other day I was in the shower and I (half-jokingly) chanted his Enn a few times and asked him for some rice pudding. The next day I was in class and, strangely, my friend just handed me a cup of rice pudding. I told him about how I asked Bune for it and he just said, “That’s so weird.” He also told me about how, the day before, when I asked Bune for rice pudding. He acquired $60 and instead of saving it, he decided to spend it all on rice pudding. It’s quite a weird occurrence, and this basically proves his existence, for me, at least. I will be communicating with Duke Bune more from now on.

Thank you, Bune!

Trust Duke Buné

Submitted By: 090482
Bune Delivered within: 3 Months

Just like others, my life went absolutely horrible to worst. I was an engineer by profession for 14years when all of a sudden I lost my job, my wife kicked me out and dumped me like a garbage out of our own house. I live in the street for days, and decided to stay with my parents. One day I came across on a book “the lesser key of Solomon” and stumbled on Duke Buné. Even though I don’t have the knowledge on rituals or any ritual items, every 1-3am or before I go to sleep, I prayed to Duke Buné for help. After 3mos. my prayer was answered! Now I’m a Manager. This is a true testament that Duke Buné is listening and will answer your prayer. I’m spreading this good news as a part of my promise to Duke Buné. Planning to ink his sigil soon 🙂 Praise and Worship to Duke Buné

Unlike what others have stated

Submitted By: Апгел
Bune Delivered within: Not specified

I have gave this a serious try. I’m not new to any of this type of undertaking, but each experience is new, so I ventured forward.
I set up a dedicated room, and had all dedications to Bune prepared. I reached out to Bune, and kept chanting the enn..focusing, visualizing, but had no real reaction as far as visual evidence, and nothing auditory.

My dog seemed to become restless, running back and forth through the house. When asking for a sign a car alarm went off and many voices raised in chatter, suddenly, outside of the window. I disposed of the dedications some time after, and hoped for the best.

Nothing was delivered that I asked for, but about month later I was given a small loan to help out with bills.

I believe in Bune but I believe there is interference from a force that was exorcised not to long before. I could feel some type of static. Some sort of resistance out there, in the air in the rest of the house.

I will try again.

Thank You Bune

Submitted By: Hayde
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

I did the ritual during daytime and I’m not sure if it worked but my mom has been trying to sell her trailer and she’s struggled so today some lady called interested in the trailer so I don’t if it’s just a coincidence or not but still, Hail Bune❤️

Grateful Awe

Submitted By: Simon Bransby
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

My partner and I haven’t been in the best of financial straits for a while. I wasn’t sure what to do, until I found a post on Reddit thanking the Great Duke for Their help. I searched Their name, and found this site. After a bit of hesitation, I took the chance and preformed the steps. Almost immediately afterwards, I felt a warm and caring presence near me. Within the same day, before sunset, the mail delivered a statement from the UI office saying our funds had been raised 3x! A few days later, my housemate found a job at a place that wasn’t holding interviews and was hired on the spot.

Our bills have been more reasonable as well this month, and I’ve personally gotten extra funds from my family without asking for it! There’s also a chance my partner could get a great position with a company that’s been looking at his resume.

Hail the Great Duke!!

I have kept my end of the bargain I made, and got a tattoo of Their Seal in a visible place, that all may see Their Power.

The Three-Fold Dragon is one of the greatest friends I’ve had.

Bune helps with emergency finances

Submitted By: Arielsdream
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks

On 12/31/19 I performed the ritual at a little after midnight and used salted caramel whiskey, cold cut meats, cheese, fruit and my blood as offerings. I asked Bune not only for short term help with aid for our business but also long term with our debts. Today we were approved for an emergency loan for the business and also received a business check in the mail that will get us through for the rest of the month. I will make an offering to Bune tonight as thanks and also update on any new developments! Thanks be to Bune!

Bune Changed my life

Submitted By: Bunè2730
Bune Delivered within: 3 Months

I love Bime with all my heart. She is a gentle and ancient spirit. I have never spoken to or seen her, except in what seems like flashes of images or a sensing of her presence. About a year ago in January, I was homeless living in my car. My money situation was dire. I did not have money to get an apartment. And then one day I discovered Bime…..

I don’t know how and don’t remember how I came across her. But I meditated on her Sigil regularly. I became entranced by her Sigil and I drew her Sigil and made blood drops on it to activate it. After that a bonus of $1000 and some change came to me in the form of a bonus and I was able to afford an apartment. On top of that someone gifted me with a 22k gold. Ever since I have made several offerings and mediations on Bime. I’ve always sensed her but never saw her. Eventually I made a petition asking for a yearly salary of 50,000. I made this petition around March/2019. I was able to get a raise of 41,600 in November/2019. At the time I was only making 14/hr but my salary boomed to 20/hr in a matter of months.

Bime Changed my life and supported me when I was in deep need of help. She showed me abundance I am so grateful and I love Bime. She is patient and understanding. My bond with her is truly special. She loves Jucy navel oranges, delicate and luxurious pastries like cake rusks or madeleines. Offer wine and always have some gold or copper near you. Favorite incense is Sandalwood, or authentic bakhoor.