Rapid Aid in a Time of Need

Submitted By: Warlock
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

Having read widely about Duke Bune and his tendency to work with those who approach him respectfully, and having read about others’ experiences here, I began a while back by making periodic offerings to him without asking for anything in return. My goal in so doing was to establish a relationship with Duke Bune before inquiring about his interest, if any, in working together. After doing this for a time, I conducted a ritual in which I made offerings and put forth a petition to Duke Bune requesting to form a working relationship.

My initial request to clarify that he had accepted the proposed agreement was a modest infusion of funds in a certain amount, deliverable within seven days. If I received this sign, I would consider the agreement accepted, and I would proceed with my responsibilities as such. Within the week, I received a cash gift in the exact amount specified.

Thereafter, I set about fulfilling my part of the bargain, which includes regular offerings and praise. Even if I do not receive anything in particular from Duke Bune during a given period, I always thank him for his willingness to help, and I ask him to stand ready to assist, should his help be needed.

This became important recently, when a particularly dire emergency struck the household. Knowing that I would need powerful aid to mitigate the looming disaster, I made offerings to Duke Bune and asked him to help us weather this particular storm and to avert any financial disasters that might result from it. I promised that, in return, I would submit a testimonial to this site so that others might know his power and generosity.

The aid began to arrive in within 12 hours of the request in the form of an unrequested cash gift, and it continues. So far, we have received enough to completely absorb the up-front costs of the emergency and to make up for lost income during the period.

I offer my thanks to Duke Bune for his aid, and, as I promised to do, I report what he has done here.

Hospital bills not a problem

Submitted By: Allison
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks

I had to put myself in the hospital for heart issues, and before I had even gotten a full diagnosis my partner was asking of Duke Bune that we get the money needed to cover the bills, and perhaps come out ahead as well. Since that first day, a former boss has offered me additional work at a higher pay than I ever would have asked for, and several people have (without prompting) gifted us large sums of money – far beyond what is needed to pay for my healthcare.

Asked for money to pay debts, got something even better

Submitted By: Steve
Bune Delivered within: 3 Months

A year ago i was in a tight spot, had a very low paying job and was in debt. I decided to turn to bune – my very first contact with the goetia – I offered some rum, oranges, some copper coins ,a chocolate pudding and the promise to praise him openly and asked for about 1600€ to pay my debts so i at least don´t have to worry about those anymore. Time went, i was sure bune didn´t hear me out but then a few months later i got a better job which payed almost exactly 1600€ every month. Not only did bune help me wipe my debts but also helped me get a steady income. I am amazed! Hail Bune!

She will bend reality for you..

Submitted By: Dahlia
Bune Delivered within: 2 Days

Its been nearly a year now that I’ve been working with the Demon’s Duchess Bune. She has become my close friend and one of my greatest teachers…
She never lets me drown, regardless of what is thrown my way. Answering every wish, showing up every time, speaking to me through everything.

Be brave, tell her what you desire and hd on because she will bend reality to give you what you ask for.

I love you, Duchess.

Worked for us both

Submitted By: chipntina
Bune Delivered within: 2 Months

We called on Bune to help us find jobs after I got laid off and my partner’s industry tanked due to covid. We basically made clay images of both symbols and stated our requests plus drew the name Bune and our requests on a glass bottle of water and drank it a few times a week.
Last week, my partner got his first IT job. Today, I got the exact job with the exact salary I asked for to the penny. This is the 2nd time I’ve called on Bune for help and she has come through both times in big ways.

Very very thankful to have found this way and we will continue to use what we’ve learned going forward.

Whlc melan avage Bune Tasa

Financial gain

Submitted By: Nanaren1
Bune Delivered within: 3 Days

After going through a rough phase in my life I came to know of bune a year ago. I believe I was meant to find her. After researching and reading success stories I decided to invoke bune but I got scared and left it. Fast forward a year late (now) I decided to believe in her and invoked her. I asked for some financial help and in turn I promised to sing her praises online. Immedietly after invoking her I won £20 in the lottery. After that I won £5 and £2.50. It may not seem like a huge amount but winning 3 times in a row itself is amazing and I know she is only preparing me for more. I know I will win big. I believe it and I believe in her. I decided to let everyone know about this win in this website as I too was very sceptical about some stories but let me tell you, its real. Soon I will be sharing another big win with you guys. Please believe in bune as I do.

Hail bune! Whel Melan Avage Bune Tasa


Submitted By: Bella
Bune Delivered within: 1 Month

After so much success with Duchess Bune I have to share once again. She has been guiding me on my new path and I find myself starting to change. The change is such a welcome one and I find myself more eloquent and I have more poise. I am so grateful to all the gifts I have been receiving. The key is to truly believe and be patient. Everything that is meant for you will come to you.

I have received so much from her and keeps coming. I am learning each day how to give thanks and I am practicing my skills with her guidance.
Every day I become a better version of myself. My new job is going so well and I am excelling in all that I do. I have even received a bonus this month and its my first month. So I am truly over the moon.

Not everything in my life has been fixed and I have learnt to be patient and allow her to do her work while I do mine. I still meditate and I still give offerings. My faith is pure my intentions are pure and my commitment is real.

I would like each person that reads about my good fortune to really think about your intentions. If you are doing this for a quick buck it might not give you the results you are looking for, but if your intentions are real you will receive an abundance of gifts.



Submitted By: Odin
Bune Delivered within: 1 Month

I had been running low on funds; however, I stumbled upon Bune and a few others. I admit, I did not do any rituals (not yet), but I remember that I had asked for some funds– it was a simple request. Out of nowhere I had a letter from the Treasury Department about the Stimulus Check. I did not recieve one the first time, but a month later I got a check. I told Dutchess Bune if i get this check, I’ll give a public statements about how she helped me, and that I would buy Sandalwood incense to burn for her (at a later time) and put it under the name will be changing my name to. So this is my statement that Bune (to my knowledge, though I didn’t do the ritual) came through.

Thank you, Dutchess Bune, I genuinely appreciate it…!


Submitted By: BELLA
Bune Delivered within: 1 Month

I started working with Bune in September 2020 and I have been constantly meditating daily and once a week I offer to her. I was unemployed due to the current circumstances and have been struggling to find employment for months. I have made it a habit to constantly praise and thank Bune for any little success I have in my life.

Whether it is a small token or a loaf of bread. I am thankful. I recently went for an interview and the position was for entry level and I was very willing because having some form of income would have just changed a lot of my circumstances. Three days later they called in me and asked me to work on a management level. Better salary and benefits.

I cannot express my Gratitude in just one day, one month or even one year that is how grateful and thankful I am. I look forward to this new chapter in my life with Duchess Bune at my side as my journey so far has been nothing but miraculous. She knows your fears and your strengths and even knows what you need right now.

I am talking about money flowing into your life at the exact time that you need it. Yesterday I didn’t even have food in my fridge or even money to buy electricity. My partner received a small monetary gift and we had money to buy food and electricity. She is just amazing and she really expects full commitment and trust from you.

My advice to anyone wanting to work with her/him do not fear them Trust Them to provide you with the comfort and support you need. Be clear in your requests or petitions and remember that you will receive what is best for you. I asked for a job that I would be happy in and that I can excel in. Even though it took some time the perfectly matched job with the right position and the right location came to me.




Proud owner of a new small business!

Submitted By: Talisman
Bune Delivered within: Not specified

When I asked Bune for $2,500, to be delivered within 2 months, in September 2020, I had NO IDEA what I was getting myself into. I hold a day job as an hourly worker at a library: here I thought Bune would get that money to me via a clerical error, raise in salary, or gift of some sort. Now I am the owner and operator of a small cottage food business on the side that can potentially produce $2,500 A MONTH once I cover my start up cost. Given that I sold out my entire product supply on the first weekend, I’m pretty sure this is doable. I sell magically enchanted hot sauce (what a way to take magic to the masses, am I right??), and am planning on making a small batch “special edition” sauce in Bune’s name as soon as I make my first $,2500.

Hail Duke Bune!! May he continue to guide young entrepreneurs to the path of financial freedom and self sufficiency!