
Submitted By: T.C
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

Duchess Bune came to me right after Lord Ronove left me because i failed to do ask he asked and since then Lady Bune has been taken me under Her wing. I am a long time experienced satanist so miracles and wonders are a daily normal but here is what happend just today.

It is morning and i has 10 euros, enough to buy a redbull and a coffee but Lady Bune told me that she wants a rose for her. At first I hesitated as tomorrow, Friday, is the day I dedicate to her and what would i do tomorrow if today i buy roses but i went and bought a nice rose for her and there went my coffee money. I dedicated it with love as i always do.

It took about 5 hours untill i woke up after a midday sleep and all my guest were away so i was able to go to where there are money and take 350 without any consequesnce, not stealing.. it is just that i woke up in the perfect moment and exactly when i went out the guests were back. Not stealing.
For example : i had a bad day two weeks ago and it was 12 in the noon and i had to stay awake untill next day at 6 am so i prayed to Lord Seer to make time go faster and in 2 hours i found an old envelope with 1200 euros in it that i didn t knew it was there. Lord Seer made time go faster, Lady Bune provided the neccesary for it to happend.

She is so loving and caring

Love you Great Duchess.
Thank you !

Hail Lucifer !

Requesting Bune to help with my visa approval

Submitted By: Kiara
Bune Delivered within: 1 Month

Duchess Bune helped me find a miraculous job that I’d been waiting for the last few years.. I got this job in all of 2 months.. This was in February 2021. I was offered a very very good salary compensation too!! I now have a very good job offer and a very salary, all thanks for Duchess Bune! I now am looking to join my new company however my work permit is stuck, but I truly believe Duchess Bune with help me get through this as quickly as possible. I thank Duchess Bune for supporting me and offering me the right guidance and support though these difficult times.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Bune delivers new home and more

Submitted By: N. Valdivar
Bune Delivered within: 6 Months

Praise and thanks to Duchess Bune. She has delivered on my request and has helped me to purchase the right home in the right area for the right price. She has inspired financial decisions in me that made it possible and it continuing to teach me about wealth building and finance.

I look forward to continuing my work with her in the realm of business and commerce.

Praise and thanks to Duchess Bune! She is a great spirit and very honorable.

Money out if blue

Submitted By: Verden
Bune Delivered within: 3 Days

Called on Bune to increase and help my wife with her arts sales. She does digital art prints for sale and an online adventure series where you get a monthly post card from a girl and her dog as they travel the world meeting mythological creatures. Long story short, she made roughly $600 in the last month in a half.

Previously she was averaging about $150- $200 per month.

Thank you Bune for everything you have blessed us with. You have our gratitude.

Bune kept me going

Submitted By: Ann
Bune Delivered within: 3 Months

I have been unemployed for a long time. Nobody will hire an older disabled worker. I was on the edge of losing what little I had left when I decided to try working with Bune.

I started a regular practice of summoning and offering. I didn’t get the dramatic incidents that some people get but I got the impression that Bune was an elegant, wealthy, cultured lady advising me. It was like she decided I deserved better and would take me on as her project.

After a few months, I was getting enough money from freelance work and gifts to keep going. I had enough to cancel some expensive bills and switch to far better deals. I have enough coming in to keep me going for a few months while I work on the bigger things that will help me with a new life.

Thank you Duchess Bune!

Assistance and timelines

Submitted By: Bella
Bune Delivered within: Not specified

I need to really thank Duchess/Duke Bune with everything that I have been doing. They have been giving me constant guidance and fulfilled each request. The one thing that I have been forced to learn is that our timelines and their timelines are different and don’t necessarily coincide. Even though at times I thought that perhaps my request had not been accepted I have seen that because of the time lines I have to be patient as I am definitely seeing the results.

So my endless gratitude and thanks to the GREAT DUKE/DUCHESS BUNE!!! you truly are magnificent and a great teacher. Lessons are learnt only if you are open to the lesson and the message.

Be open to receive the messages and you will see that although you may have a specific time period in your mind, that is not how it works. You need to be ready to receive the gifts you have asked for. Some gifts are received differently and not always a material gift. Knowledge and strength cannot be learnt through material gain. Self awareness is a journey that is ongoing and through the journey you will go through some hardships, it is for you to understand that. Keep working and praising you will see the benefits.

New work opportunity

Submitted By: Darktimeson
Bune Delivered within: 3 Months

Hail Bune !
I’ve started to work with Bune in December, because I wanted to transit from retail to screenwriting. Just had my first contract at the beginning of march.

I received a scholarship

Submitted By: Fairooz
Bune Delivered within: 1 Month

I invoked Duchess Bune in February and asked her to aid me in my financial goals. I was surprised when she delivered results by March. Our university was offering scholarships to students and only four people were selected from the English Language and Literature department. I was one of them! Hail Bune! 💚


Submitted By: Katie
Bune Delivered within: 1 Month

Hail dear Bune!!

For a long time I spend my salary just for living. Nothing else.
I am a young woman who changed a lot inside (thankful for it for all my demons and most of all my powerful amazing spirit guide❤️) and I decided to love myself more and enough to buy things for myself with nice quality.

I month later I called Bune, also I include Bune in my mouthy money spell I realised my salary is higher! So I decided to see what is my desire.
I did a research to by things in the best price, also I went out, not just order to house, so I noticed I don,t want to spend a money without brain. Also I proved that I take steps and work for it.

It was in 3 different times when I went to the shop and the item was missing. OK, I found a similar shop nearby, and the really the same item I found almost half price!!
So I felt Bune was by myself and guided me.

Now I sit in my room by my altar and my gifts are close to me. I won’t unpack or wear them until I express my grateful feelings towards Bune. Also I show her the items :))

Thank you!!
I know it is not a life saving project but sometimes it is worthy also, when you work on yourself.

Self realisation and tests

Submitted By: Bella
Bune Delivered within: 6 Months

So on my journey I have been led to different things and information. I asked to be a better version of myself and I have been meditating and chanting. I got to a point where things starting going wrong and I thought it might be Bune’s anger towards me. Obviously you sometimes get a bit neurotic and start overthinking everything. When I finally realised that I was being tested and not what I had initially thought I realised that I was being made stronger. In order to really get everything we want we have to be able to handle it. I am now moving into another level of myself. I have accepted so much about myself and I realised that I have the potential in me. So today I thank Dutchess Bune!! You are truly amazing. I am so much stronger than I thought and I so happy that I am able to work with you. Each day you bless my life. Slowly my mind is changing and I am able to manifest the things that I want. But as always , I understand that work is required my time and my energy is required.

Patience and submission was the lesson of the month! WEHLC MELAN AVAGE BUNE TASA! BEAUTY ENVISIONED POISE ELEGANCE ABSOLUTE GODDESS!! Thank you