Submitted By: Andrea from Canada
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day
I am currently having a really hard time in my life. Not enough money to pay the bills, my husband is in a somewhat laid off position, and our income is limited to below the poverty line. We struggle just to have something for dinner most nights never mind breakfast and lunch those meals are luxuries. I had been working some magic spells with little to no success. I asked Lord Lucifer for his guidance, and while surfing the net, a youtube video came up for an enn chant to Bune.
I had heard of Bune before and had even asked him for his help, but only asked did not complete any rituals or spells. So I listened to the enn chant and I repeated the enn chant myself. Then after some research online I decided to do a ritual to him. I had a few extra dollars this week due to a government benefit and I purchased an orange, an apple, a small bottle of rum and my husband baked a store bought packaged cake that someone had given to us. I decided to do a ritual of my own taking bits and pieces of others stories, but I wanted it to be something of my own. I completed the ritual on a Friday early evening by 7:30 pm. I woke up just shortly after 6 am on Saturday, and found that I had won $22 on a lottery ticket I had purchased before the finding of Bune on youtube. So withing a few hours of completing my ritual and leaving my offering to him, I had gained money (the draw for that lottery ticket was at 10:30 pm so 3 hours).
I felt this goosebump sort of feeling in my legs, and felt excited about things to come shortly after completing the ritual. I woke this morning feeling confident and thankful to Bune. I came straight here to give Bune my Thanks and I feel like there is so much more to come. I feel like this small win is Bune telling me its okay I am here be patient. I feel happy for the first time in a very long time and I feel like the future is going to be so much brighter. Thank you Bune, thank you so much and thank you to this website for giving me a venue to give my thanks.