Submitted By: Anon
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks
So i’ve been looking for a job for the past few months since I left school and i’d had no real luck, I’d heard about Bune by complete coincidence and found out they can help with stuff like this. I didn’t do a proper summoning ritual, I burned some sandalwood incense and offered some oranges, then I just meditated while looking at the sigil and visualizing me getting a job.
Nothing really happened for the first week but then a job popped up that I had previously missed applying for, I applied got an interview which i thought I’d failed and then that same day I got a job offer from them, I start on Monday XD.
I’m not sure if this is related but this morning I got a letter with £20 in it. I didn’t think it would work since i didn’t do a proper ritual but I don’t know how else to explain my recent luck, so thank you Bune.