Submitted By: Jaydos447
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less
Decided to do a small Evocation of Bune today and was originally disappointed with the results, as I didn’t feel as though I felt Bune come. (Which compared to my Paimon Evocation was the total opposite).
I lit a candle, lit some incense and chanted his Enn.
I couldn’t feel a presence straight away, so I simply stated what I wanted and what I’d do in return and gave him the right to leave.
So the backstory:
Been trying to sell my old phone as I recently brought a new one and I’ve had no luck (getting offers of 200 dollars on an item I had listed for 400) I wanted 350 for it.
I asked Bune to help sell it, closed the Evocation – sat on the lounge and within 15 minutes I had an offer of 350 dollars and a 15 Minute pick up time.
I am ridiculously happy with how fast the results were – I mean it was insanely faster than any other Evocation or spell I’ve performed.
So here is my side of the bargain.
Use Bune. He works, and he works quickly.
Hail Bune.