Submitted By: himanshuchauhan
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks
I was on a job hunt since last 7 months. I was terminated from my previous job and it was an ordeal to find a new one as no one wanted to hire a terminated employee.
For few weeks I’d been doing an evocation for Bune and Paimon to ask help for a job. Today I got a call from an employer who a month ago had rejected me. They offered a second shot for the interview. Upon reaching there, their HR head was super excited to see me. He asked me not to show the termination and more so he dusted that topic completely. This is where it got interesting; Chris the guy who rejected me last time was super friendly with me today and after a casual off the topic 5 minutes conversation said “He really wants me on board ASAP”. This company has offered me double the salary I had from my previous employer (which is in line with my money rituals I did evoking Bune).
Even though I’m a novice and can’t hear or see the spirits evoked; Magic is all around me. This small event makes me a stubborn believer that this stuff DOES WORK.