Submitted By: Anima
Bune Delivered within: Not specified
Hello everyone, I’d like to share a success story that will tell you a little more about me and hopefully help some of you. I was never a big fan of evocations and had tried to work with goetic daemons just once about eight years ago with no success. Making a long story short, I’d been only meditating and reciting mantras for the last 18 months, leaving any other spiritual practice aside. About 4 months ago some drastic changes happened in my life and I consider it a learning process, but I got into some critical financial problems that proved harder to overcome than I thought. I had heard good things about Bune a lot of times before and I had just read Jason Miller’s The Sorcerer’s Secrets, so I decided to try something my own way. Jason presents a very simple and effective Petition Rite on his book, that’s not an Evocation where you’ll see the spirit or have a conversation with him, but you’ll certainly feel his presence. I adapted his rite to what I already knew about evocations and to my working style.
My first attempt was successful to some degree, but I probably wasn’t specific about what I wanted, resulting in an unsatisfactory end(It was my mistake and I believe it would be totally successful if I did it right). I drew Bune’s seal in a piece of paper and wrote my wish after it. I asked him to find buyers for two audio equipments I had been trying to sell for months and to help me with a new business endeavor I’d started. The next day there was a guy who wanted to buy one of them, but we just couldn’t find a schedule in which both of us could meet to finish the deal. Some little improvements on my sales were also seen and I gained some money in an unexpected way.
My second attempt was really better. I drew the seal on paper again, listened to some binaural beats, meditated a little on it and performed Jason’s ritual on my mental plane, where I feel more comfortable. I specified that I needed to sell the items and receive the money; I also specified the exact sum of money that I needed to receive with these sales, my business’ improvement and in any alternative ways. I also specified a deadline. The next day I could finally meet the buyer and finish that deal and my sales improved in the following days. I had some great ideas that will cost me nothing and are already working for the success of my new business out of nothing. Two friends of mine asked me if I wanted them to indicate me to work where they work and I’ll be taking one of these offers, as it will not take much of my time. I also found some great books and online resources as well as information on books I already had that are helping me to develop as a magician and entrepreneur. I still don’t have the money I need and didn’t sell one of the audio equips because I denied an offer that I’m now rethinking, but I have a gut feeling that I’ll have the money before the end of the deadline.
Some side notes:
1 – Speaking out loud when I’m on a meditative state usually takes away my focus of the actual meaning of the words, that’s why I prefer to write or perform the whole thing on a mental sphere. Almost everyone I know would prefer to perform the rite in its standard form. Anyway, I believe that any rite requires something physical so I kept a drawing of the seal with me.
2 – On both the practices, there were physical sensations that confirmed the rite was working.
3 – I’m not describing the rite itself because it’s in Jason Miller’s book and I believe he created it. The rite itself includes any protection you’ll need in a very simplified and effective way, but it certainly requires a strong will. If you’re really interested you can PM me and I’ll talk more about the method, or you can buy his book.
4 – I believe that doing things comfortably works wonders. People would always tell me I was doing everything wrong but stuff almost always ends up working when I follow my intuition. Just know yourself and what you’re doing. Take the necessary steps to feel safe and comfortable and you’ll be successful in your deeds.
Thank you Bune!