Submitted By: The Davila’s
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks
I didn’t know much about Bune until my wife started to do her research and we started to make his altar with things he likes. All the offerings we’ve seen: the rum, the incense, the oranges, the cigar, etc…I‘ve had faith in him since I first read about him; I felt that admiration for him. My wife & I are going through really hard financial hardships. We both don’t work but we’re applying and still waiting. We have 2 kids & it’s hard because we’re also behind in rent. Everything is hitting us all at once but when we hear Bune’s meditation chant, we have that peace. Bune reassures us that everything will be okay. We had a big miracle that we were able to get a loan to pay at least 1/4 of the rent but I know Bune will give us an even bigger miracle so we can give our baby’s a stable home and have enough to pay our debts off & have a normal life again. Bune hears us. Bune is always with us! Thank you Bune for changing our lives!