Submitted By: Anonymous
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week
I’m in some tough time’s right now and so i started to get into satanism and found out you can work with the ancient god’s/demon’s and from there i found Duke Bune, i’d pray to Lord Satan and then Duke Bune to help me get a Job and to keep guilding me the right path.
And thought’s would keep popping in my head leading to certain page’s on the internet about how to perform Ritual’s so i kept reading, gathering every piece of information i could get my hand’s on! only took like a week before i actually performed the ritual, also note the more you research on a demon, your going to start seeing signs, putting thought’s in your head, the demon’s not going to wait until you actually summon him/her, even E.A Koetting mentions this if you guy’s don’t know him i suggest you check out his YT channel, Lot’s of thing’s to learn from him. Okay so it was a Friday night, i bought 4 orange candles, sandlewood incense, 1 green candle, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 red candle. some fruit as offerings, Lord Satan’s sigil and Duke Bune’s sigil with my life essence on them (blood), I wrote my request on paper ‘ asking for job and whatnot ‘ this is where you should be specific as i only wrote i needed a job ” not like that but in long paragraph, not going share that part as you should figure that out on your own. i put box in middle of room and i blessed a clean pillow case cover that i now use as altar cloth as i didn’t have any other cloth to use,
i set it up like an altar, i put the colored candle’s (not the orange ones) in the right directions for AIR FIRE WATER EARTH, and the orange ones near the altar 1 on top and other’s on bottom of altar as the other ones wouldn’t fit on altar, i did evocation too the element’s in each direction and i blowed them out afterwards, sat down and started praying to Lord Satan, gazing at their sigil’s while saying their Enn’s and i said the Demon Prayer also and i read out my request, repeated like 3 times until i felt like it was done, i did feel energy’s so that was a sign ” also your suppose to create a protective circle in salt but i was confident enough to do without it as i Dedicated my soul to Lord Satan a couple day’s before and prayed for Protection, and so the ritual was done, a week later i get message about a Job and so i was really excited did interview and got the Job but it wasn’t what i was expecting, This job is insanely hard and i have no experience and they didn’t really offer training, so i quit but i think he/she know’s this and i started getting other message’s for Job’s so yeah that’s my story. Hail Lord Satan, Hail Duke Bune.