Submitted By: Banibana
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks
I tried to summon two different goetic entities with what seemed like no success at all (at first). I said the following words: “(Name), I call you forth into this triangle to take form before me and to speak in a voice which I understand. (Name), by the powers of darkness I call you here! (Name), come!”
I then thanked him for coming and introduced myself. I had a clear deal and desire that I told him (had it written on paper) and also offered something in return to him. I was respectful and polite at all times. But literally nothing happened. I didn’t feel a presence, I didn’t hear or see anything. There was just black void in my mind and silence. I just proceeded with the ritual and behaved like he accepted the deal, so I fulfilled my part of the offering… even though I have no clue if he even heard me at all. 🙁
Because of this experience I thought, well maybe Bune doesn’t like me or is too busy. I remembered that I picked Agares when I rolled a random Internetdice with 72 numbers and that Agares really spoke to me. Not only because of the way he was described, but also the fact that he’s associated with the Aries zodiac sign (as I am) and that the look of his Sigil really sparked inside of me. I definitely thought that Agares would listen to me.
So I did the same ritual with Agares and asked him to contact Bune and confirm the deal I made was accepted and also to let someone who wronged me run away and cast her out of my sight. I offered him something as well, and as with Bune I was very respectful. Again, I had no real… reaction or anything happening. I just started an inner “dialogue” pretending I was talking to him and that he accepted. As stupid as it sounds, I almost started to cry because I was frustrated and felt too stupid or unworthy to get an experience, while people on the Internet seem to have almost no problem to get some.
Anyways… even though nothing happened and I felt like I failed really hard, I just pretended like they accepted and sticked to the end of my deal and offerings. And I got some really creepy and freaky results. Like, almost impossible to be coincidences. A lot of shit happened, I got A LOT of money (relatively speaking to what I got before, so before it was between 50-150€, suddenly I had 1000€ spikes) and several rivals got kicked out or start to become serious problems.
So it looks like it worked after all even though I did not feel a presence.