Submitted By: Bune's Fan
Bune Delivered within: 6 Months
I was abused, insulted at work. My boss rather than firing me, made my situation a living hell at the work place. I would go to restrooms and cry and then come out as if nothing had happened. My health got negatively affected.
I contacted one of my spell caster friends and she said she would work with Bune to help me find new job.
So she cast some cool amazing spells in November 2019. I did start applying for jobs, but nothing strong happened then.
I could feel very strong energies, my personality became much more pleasant. My eloquence improved. However, I was still not finding the job.
Then came Jan 2020 when the abuse at work was so horrible that I had to take 4 week leave when I realized that I need to seriously “get out” of current work place and start looking for new jobs. The abuses started to have extremely negative impact on my health.
I did get couple interviews in Feb 2020. And then as we say life happens. COVID-19 became rampant and there is a major lock down and mainly work from home.
So I did not have to go to work entire March since it was all work from home.
I started applying a lot and I knew that due to this pandemic, jobs will be extremely difficult to come by.
I still kept applying. Never gave up. Kept requesting Bune to find me a new job.
Then one day I got a call from recruiter stating that the hiring manager liked my resume and would like to take my interview. Since there was a lock down, I had interview from home (less nervous, you know :)).
I finally got a call from recruiter yesterday that I have been selected for this position. It is in fact a better paid job and at a fantastic location.
I was basically not ready to leave my old job since we are comfortable with the same things we do. Now that I look back, if I was not abused at work, I would have never looked for a new job and would have never ever tried to get out of my comfort zone.
I deeply thank Bune that because of her kindness, I could find an amazing job. Indeed there were many job rejections, but this job is ideal for me since it aligns with my career goals.
I will for sure keep returning back to get help from Bune and I request my spell caster friend to help me out with those amazing spells she casts. My spellcaster friend hardly casts any spells, but when she casts them, massive changes/shifts happen.
Lesson learned; With Bune, have patience and you will get the best outcome. Keep working hard towards your goals. kind Bune will help you out. Have faith in Bune 🙂
Hail Bune! “Whlc melan avage Bune tasa.”