Submitted By: J2018
Bune Delivered within: 2 Months
After building a very strong bond with Duchess Bune through consistently meditating on her sigil and chanting her enn and then communicating through various divination methods and physically interacting with her I requested to make a pact for a specific result from a specific company from something I had applied for in the movie business
and as always she did not let me down I got the exact response I asked for from the exact company I asked for and now have a great career.
This is not the first time I have had success with Bune, everytime I have asked I have gotten from her and very quickly too! This one only took 2 months because that date for a result was already set.
Duchess Bune responds well if treated with respect and you put the work in to build a connection and a bond with her, also she seems to like cake as a food offering and sandalwood incense
Thanks again Duchess Bune!