Submitted By: Goldfinch
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day
At work I had a high pressure conversation with site leadership where the group that I lead was going to miss our goals by 50%, which I was dreading. I did a meditation to Belial (asking for help) and I saw Bune’s sigil come into my mind. I drew her sigil and lit 4 candles and told her I would spread the word about her if she helped me. I met with leadership and the conversations went really well. However, my boss didnt want me to discuss the full disaster, as there would be fallout for her as well. The day after the conversation, she sent reports to site leadership saying that we would miss by way less than 50% & the head leader sided with my boss and acted like a d!ck when I tried to discuss the situation with him. Fast forward to today, where we actually missed by the 50% that I predicted and the additional amount of creditability that I have with the group. Bune always comes through and I have always gotten a quick positive outcome when I work with her.