Submitted By: Chris
Bune Delivered within: 1 Day
With life struggles coming in every direction, my girlfriend and I did some research and put together a plan to call upon Duchess Bune. We wrote up what we needed and what we were going to offer in return. We also built our alter and included small offerings. We called upon her that night and she didn’t let us down. The contract was mulled over, some changes were made, and it was accepted. By the next day, Duchess Bune had already been taking care if us. She delivered on our requests and we were extremely grateful. She has been there for us ever since and she is our guiding light. She will humble you and you’d better be prepared for that. However, as long as you are serious and ready to make a pact with her, she will always take care of your request and won’t let you down.
All Hail Great Duchess Bune