Submitted By: Newmee
Bune Delivered within: 2 Days
This is my own part of the bargain for the requests i made and the favors The Great Duke Bune rendered to me so far.. Its long but please spare some time..
October and November were tough on me, i had financial issues, unsettled bills and my girlfriend was 7 months pregnant, times were hard, i mean really hard. Come November i didn’t have a penny on my name, i had to sell my phone on a cheap cos i needed money to pay my monthly rent and bills, i cleared my bills and was left with almost nothing and my girlfriend not working as she was 7 months and some weeks gone, i needed money for her antenatal care..
I became frustrated and desperate, i prayed and called on God for help to no avail and the thought of my girlfriend and us expecting a baby at this tough period of my life gave me sleepless nights, i prayed and prayed but no changes, i became so restless and stressed so i decided to turn to the internet for ideas on how to get some fast cash to change my situation so i started searching and while watching videos on YouTube, some recommendations videos on how to do money spells.
I watched a lot of videos on money spell and this video on deals with demons for wealth and success came up, i could not perform the spells or rituals because i had no money to buy the materials, so i had to read the comments below the video and that was how i got information on pacts with demons, the very first time i heard of the The Demons of the Goetia and how magicians and occult practitioners have been dealing with them for personal success, while watching another video i heard of The Great Duke Astaroth, i started searching on pacts and deals with the devil, i read stuffs and stories of Father Urbain Grandier , Robert Johnson, Johann Georg Faust and their pacts on wealth, success and power in exchange of their eternal souls.
As desperate as i was, without hesitation, i decided to do one, as instructed on a website i saw online, i required for results before the end of the month. With no experience on how these Great Daemons of the Goetia work and me being desperate Asaroth did not want to work with me so i was rejected, i didn’t give up though, i kept searching, reading comments so i came across the name of a lot of these Daemons of the Goetia and what they offer to those who call on them for assistance, i decided to try The Great Duke Bune.
The Great Duke Bune, who is also known as Bime or Biméis who is the 26th Spirit Of The Goetia he appears as a dragon with three heads. One head of a dog, second of a Griffon and the third of a man, he can rise dead and gathers demons around tombs, gives wealth, makes people wiser and eloquent, answers to all questions.
Still so desperate, my girlfriend’s expected delivery date was fast approaching, still no money, i decided to make a pact with The Great Duke Bune and still i got rejected as the date i asked for result came to pass but no changes, i felt useless and dejected, but still something inside me told me to read more on The Great Duke Bune which i did and i was directed to websites and pages were i read a lot of wonderful things The Great Duke Bune had done to these people, i came across pages and comments dedicated to The Great Duke Bune, so i decided to create a relationship with Duke Bune, I’ll talk to him before i go to sleep, I’ll always have him on my mind and as everyday passes by, i will open pages on internet and read about Duke Bune and somehow i became less desperate and less worried as well because something in me told me to keep reading the testimonies.
Some people recommended the book The Sorcerer’s Secret by Jason Miller and Dictionnaire Infernal by Jacques Collin de Plancy and said one can gain more knowledge on how to work with the Daemon of The Goetia but again i didn’t have the funds to buy these books online since there were no free PDF copies on the internet, so i had to search for alternatives when i read a comment on a simple way one can ask for favors from the Great Duke Bune.
They talked about the simple method of reaching out to Great Duke Bune as writing by EA Koetting that requires the Seal of Duke Bune and a quite place to gaze at the sigil with focus and make a demand which and did and few days later , Duke Bune with his powers and love for those who come to him for assistance, gave me 800$, i am grateful and always will, i plan on buying one of the books and get to know more about Duke Bune and how to evoke or invoke him to start a working relation with him..
Guys with no doubts The Great Duke Bune will always provide to those who come before him with pureness and respect..