Submitted By: Zak Fisher
Bune Delivered within: 1 Month
I’m here to thank Bune, hail Duke Bune.
After a lot of research and careful articulation of what I wanted from Bune I performed a ritual summoning Bune , asking for aid.
I am going through a hostile divorce, my income was impeded, while at the same time attorney fees and bills were stacking up paying for two homes, child support and all the rest.
I petitioned Bune to bring me increased health, wealth and prosperity so I would have the means to take care of my kids , and make my legal obligations.
I carry his sigil with me everywhere.
Within a month I had a few “coincidences “ that helped me tremendously. Several thousands of dollars came to me. I am a self employed artist and at the same time I had an increase in sales, plus some other financial opportunities.
I want give honor to and thank Bune for delivering. All hail Duke Bune.